I can't tell you how many times I have been asked that when I have started to talk to someone about my favorite recording artist, Barry Manilow. Usually, though, it's followed up within a couple minutes by, "I know that song! Okay, I know who he is now!"
Barry Manilow has often said that his career in music has been a "beautiful accident". He never set out to have the career he has had. He was actually quite content and more comfortable in the background when he began as Bette Midler's accompanist/music director in 1970.
Purely as a means to get some of the songs he had written sold, and at the urging of his friend, Ron Dante, he recorded several demos of his songs. The best he was hoping for was that someone would choose to record some of them. He never expected to get a recording contract of his own, but he did when executives at Bell Records heard his demos and signed him to the label in 1973.
He recorded his first album and within a year, Bell was bought and taken over by Clive Davis, who changed the label's name to Arista. Manilow, who had been working on his sophmore album at the time, was convinced he'd be dropped from the artist roster, but Clive went to see him perform as an opening act for Dionne Warwick and, while he knew Barry still had a lot to learn as a performer, saw real potential and kept him on the label. He also gave Barry a song called "Brandy" to record that he was sure, were it done right, would be a huge hit. He was right. With a name change to and a new arrangement, "Mandy" became the first #1 hit for both Manilow and Arista Records... and the hits continued for a decade. In fact, Manilow has been named the "Top Adult Contemporary Artist of All Time" with no less than 25 consecutive Top 40 hits on the Billboard charts between 1974 and 1983.
In 1984, Manilow decided he'd had enough of the Top 40 rat race and decided to start recording music that really mattered to him and he's pretty much stuck to that ever since. While his absence from the Top 40 charts (he still pops up on the Adult Contemporary charts from time to time) has led many to believe that he has retired or even died, that's simply not true. He has continued to perform and record and is still selling out shows and gold and platinum albums at the age of 66.
In the last five years his career has had a huge resurgence with the popularity of "The Greatest Songs of..." series. The first, "The Greatest Songs of the Fifties", released in 2005, debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 chart. The subsequent releases (The Greatest Songs of the Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties) have also had high chart debuts on the Billboard 200, as well.
He retired from the road in 2005 and began his tenure as the resident headline artist for the Las Vegas Hilton the same year. He ended his run in December of 2009 and begins a new show in Las Vegas at the Paris on March 5th of this year. If you have never seen him perform live and you happen to be in Las Vegas, go! He is worth the price of admission.
The songs I have selected to showcase are the ones that I have up on a network that I have created for Barry Manilow fans. They start with a selection of songs from his most recent releases and end with the majority of his hits. There are also album tracks and some rare tracks included, but I think they all represent Manilow at his best. I hope you enjoy what you hear. Oh, the first four songs are from his newest cd, "The Greatest Love Songs of All Time" which has it's official release on January 26th.
If you'd like to visit the network, just click on the little link below the player.
Feel free to comment, I always appreciate the input and discussion.
Barry Who?
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on 23 January 2010
music. barry manilow
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Shakira @ Rehearsal
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I just stumbled on the recording of Shakira's rehearsal for the Haiti Benefit and they didn't use the filter that they had on the live audio. I like this much better. In case you didn't know I'm a huge Shaki fan. Beyond the stuff that we hear on the radio her music is excellent. Anyhow, I thought you may enjoy it. This is Stand By You and she isn't done up at all and her hair is kinda ratty (but cute), I just think she nailed it at rehearsal. I'm not a fan of filtering or auto-tunes and they had a stronger echo filter on her live. The band is The Roots, but they didn't have lights on them here. Anyhow, enjoy. From what I hear she was the best performance of the night.
The Piano
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I've decided I liked this movie, but it is only a one time watch. The scene where the girls come in on the boat was great. The part where she was running through the forrest to see Keitel and her husband caught her, and they showed the close up of her face and she knew she was caught, was inspiring. Then the fingers scene was just horrific. While I liked all these things there are a lot of criticisms I have. It's going to sound like I didn't like the movie, but the parts I did like were so good that it makes up for the rest. Overall, I feel like the story was too one-dimensional.
I have issues with Holly Hunter because she always over-acts and that was the case in this movie as well. Although, to her credit, she was obviously directed to do so. I don't know any mute people at all, but I'm guessing that just because their mouth is shut they don't always have their lips clenched in a scowl. This is all minor, but the character didn't seem to make sense to me. She was a woman who knew what she wanted and was VERY impatient and what's the word.... Awe, fuck. I hate when this happens. She was impulsive? There was so much evidence of this, but she was in a loveless relationship forever. If this were a real person, she would not have had a bout of impulsiveness before this point and never moved like that. She also would not have not given up so easily on letting the piano go in the first place. There was a lot more, but I feel that if I continue it will just sound like complaining. The character only had two emotions angry or really pissed off.
It was a beautiful film with lots of wide-shots, which I love. It looked like the director was experimenting with showing 1st person too, which is bold and something I also love. Like when her husband was drinking tea and they showed his view into the cup. Personally, I feel that shots like that make the viewer feel like they are there, which is very important in period pieces like this.
I can't tell if I thought the symbolism was great or too much. Like when the piano went overboard and pulled her down with it. I can't really put into words why that made me uncomfortable. It was brilliant but I think the way it was directed made me feel uncomfortable. It pulled wide and showed it in an artsy way to kind of over-emphasize the symbolism. I think it should have been more graphic and realistic to maximize the drama. I'm not sure why I have a bug up my ass about this movie.
Here's what I appreciate about the story though: It really highlighted how women weren't people, but property. Not even just in the context of her marriage, but in society too. Even her daughter didn't view her as an authority figure. I feel like people don't really understand what it was like for women. Since I am a huge music lover, I was kind of wanting them to really show how music was her only way of expression to those who couldn't sign. They only seemed to focus on how she was obsessed with the piano, but not WHY she was obsessed with it. I don't know.
I promise I liked the movie. Especially when she realized she was caught running to Keitel. That was masterful film making. I appreciate the fact that the writer was also the director. You can't make a movie like this if someone else wrote it. I have a lot of criticism for what I would do differently, but I give props to the writer/director because she knew EXACTLY what she wanted. I've honestly never been so torn over a film. I just wish it had more depth and was less focused on the obsession. I'd give it like a 7 on a scale of 10. Without those 3 scenes it would have been a 4 or 5 though.

Barry Manilow
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I just watched the second to last Conan show (the internet uploads are a day behind) and Barry Manilow was on. I've never heard this guy before, but I think he is like a legend. I was stunned. He was really really good. I wanted to share it with you. He's a real class act. What are like 2 or 3 of his best songs? He went over some of the jingles he wrote and I know them ALL, but I'm not about to download them.
I Need A Laugh
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on 22 January 2010
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And Strangers With Candy is just the show to give me one.
Grayson 'Kiss Your Country Goodbye.'
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Grayson: Fight now or ‘kiss your country goodbye’ to Exxon, Wal-Mart
WASHINGTON -- Responding to the Supreme Court's ruling Thursday to overturn corporate spending limits in federal elections, progressive firebrand Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) immediately highlighted a series of moves to "avoid the terrible consequences of the decision."
"If we do nothing then I think you can kiss your country goodbye," Grayson told Raw Story in an interview just hours after the decision was announced.
"You won't have any more senators from Kansas or Oregon, you'll have senators from Cheekies and Exxon. Maybe we'll have to wear corporate logos like Nascar drivers."
This is a long article and really good. Read more here.
National Penguin Awareness Day
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Penguins are pretty cool. I didn't know they had their own day! In celebration here is a slide show of some great penguin photos.
Fick Dich Supreme Court
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Supreme Court
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Edit: This is not a new post. I just changed the title to reflect my feelings using the handy chart previously posted.
From Democracy Now:
“The Supreme Court has ruled corporations have the right to spend as much money as they like to influence the outcome of US elections. In a five-to-four decision, the court overturned century-old restrictions on corporations, unions and other interest groups from using their vast treasuries to advocate for a specific candidate. The majority opinion affirms corporations have First Amendment rights and that the government can’t limit their political speech.”
I feel sick to my stomach. I have been thinking about just cutting politics out of my life. No more Rachel, Keith or Americablog. I'm 45 I still have some good years left and I think the planet does to. My kneejerk reaction is just to kiss off voting and staying informed.
Maybe the "Mission Accomplished" sign had nothing to do with Iraq at all. Maybe it was the corporate announcement to us all that they have won.
From Democracy Now:
“The Supreme Court has ruled corporations have the right to spend as much money as they like to influence the outcome of US elections. In a five-to-four decision, the court overturned century-old restrictions on corporations, unions and other interest groups from using their vast treasuries to advocate for a specific candidate. The majority opinion affirms corporations have First Amendment rights and that the government can’t limit their political speech.”
I feel sick to my stomach. I have been thinking about just cutting politics out of my life. No more Rachel, Keith or Americablog. I'm 45 I still have some good years left and I think the planet does to. My kneejerk reaction is just to kiss off voting and staying informed.
Maybe the "Mission Accomplished" sign had nothing to do with Iraq at all. Maybe it was the corporate announcement to us all that they have won.
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Set your Tivo. Tonight is the last Conan and it is likely going to be something wicked. It's Tom Hanks and Will Farrell. Tom Hanks just gave a bunch of digs to NBC at the Golden Globes and they are both really good friends with Conan in real life.
He's also a really big music fan and my guess would be that Jack White will perform. They got back the White Stripes for Conan's last night of Late Night because he's such a big fan. He'll also likely do something outrageous like the other night when he spent 1.5 million dollars on a 30 second skit. Unfortunately it didn't really cost that much bc the car was on loan, but using The Rolling Stones master recording was real and NBC yanked the clip off Hulu because, well I guess because it was expensive. Last night Conan showed restricted footage of an NFL game. No word on how much that really costed yet. I'm willing to bet something scandalous is really going to happen tonight though.
He's also a really big music fan and my guess would be that Jack White will perform. They got back the White Stripes for Conan's last night of Late Night because he's such a big fan. He'll also likely do something outrageous like the other night when he spent 1.5 million dollars on a 30 second skit. Unfortunately it didn't really cost that much bc the car was on loan, but using The Rolling Stones master recording was real and NBC yanked the clip off Hulu because, well I guess because it was expensive. Last night Conan showed restricted footage of an NFL game. No word on how much that really costed yet. I'm willing to bet something scandalous is really going to happen tonight though.
Another Movie Recommendation Post
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on 21 January 2010
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Stranger than Fiction
Will Farrell
Dustin Hoffman
Emma Thompson
Queen Latifah
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Do not look up a trailer to this film - it gives away HUGE spoilerS. It is true fiction in that it couldn't take place in real life, but it isn't science fiction. It is narrated and very contemporary and artsy. You'd think it would be comedy because Will Farrell is in it, but it is like Robin Williams doing a dramatic role. There are hints of comedy, but the overwhelming story is a dramatic tragedy. He is an IRS agent who is sent to audit Maggie Gyllenhaals character who is a baker who has only paid the percentage of her taxes that do not pay for war and he gets caught up in his own 'coming to terms' sub-plot. I can almost garauntee that you will love this based off what I know of you. Emma Thompson's performance should have been nominated for an Oscar. I say that a lot, but I promise I don't throw those words around. I really mean it when I say it.

The Game
Michael Douglas
Sean Penn
A very good psychological-thriller that is actually unpredictable until the very very end. It's a true mind-fuck. You can't distinguish reality from neurosis. Again, I'd avoid watching this trailer because the mystery is a big part the overall experience. It's from the director of Seven ("What's in the box??!!"), David Fincher.
Tea with Mussolini
Judi Dench
Lily Tomlin
Maggie Smith
Joan Plowright (best speaking voice ever)
Drama - Exactly what the trailer shows. Nothing more and definitely nothing less. Check out the scene where Cher sings "smoke gets in your eyes" after the trailer.

In Dreams
Annette Benning
Robert Downey Jr.
Thriller/Suspense. This seemed to get bad reviews on IMDB but I thought it was very good. It's about a psychic who's daughter is kidnapped and she has a psychic link with her kidnapper. The directing is stunning. I mean this film is so visual and has great performances. Come on, it is Annette fucking Benning and Downey Jr. The story sounds kind of trite, but I think this movie is made by the director and performances. I literally had nightmares after seeing this. I haven't seen it for years, but I'm willing to bet I would feel the same now. I'm going to look and see if I can't find it online to watch tonight actually.
It is rated well on Netflix apparently.

This is the biggest movie you've never heard of
Angelina Jolie
Sean Connery
Gene Rowlands
Gillian Anderson
Dennis Quaide
Ryan Phillipe
Madeline Stowe
Jon Stewart
and even more...
Drama/Rom Com- This is one of those segmented movies where there are like 5 story lines and you are trying to figure out how they and their characters all intertwine with each other. This is a hidden gem of a movie. I'm not sure how that is possible with this cast, but its good and very well written.
Obama's Schedule
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So Obama had to have his arm twisted to go to NJ, VA, and MA to fight for seats, he refused to go until the very last weekend in MA, he has already scheduled to stump for Harry Reid in Nevada next month. It is ALREADY scheduled.... The one guy most dem's would rather see lose. Is it even possible to think that the president is working towards a completely different outcome than the people who put him in office wanted?
I thought he was our Kennedy, then I thought he just wasn't good at his job, to thinking that he is actually good at his job. There is no possible way that he doesn't know what we think. There is just no conceivable way.
I thought he was our Kennedy, then I thought he just wasn't good at his job, to thinking that he is actually good at his job. There is no possible way that he doesn't know what we think. There is just no conceivable way.
Gibbs Interview
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When they are being asked about the democratic base being upset with the white house, all they can do is talk about what health insurance wants. That is your concern right now? THAT is precisely why we're leaving. As if we are stupid enough to think that our people are 1 issue voters. It would have been lost before now if that is how that district voted. They think we're all stupid. They aren't even trying anymore.
City of Ember
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What a surprise this movie was. When it started I was dissapointed because I could tell it was a kids movie. Without even trying I got caught up in the story. Something as important as light and the generator that produces it is breaking down. Politicians who are getting fat off the system ignore the urgency (appoint a task force to study the issue!) and most people just blindly go about their business. I was impressed how, as a kid's movie, intelligent it was. Have you read the book Joseph? I bet it was great.
Even after it was over hubby and I were talking about it, wondering if everyone else got out.
Edit: I wish I could describe and notice things about films like you do Joseph. I never even made the mental note about Harold in "Harold and Maude" not have a speaking line for 15 minutes.
Leno vs Conan
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on 20 January 2010
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LOL. You don't need to speak/read Japanese to be able to understand.
Joseph, how is your leg?
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on 19 January 2010
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"The Freemont"
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This is a full PBS documentary narrated by Alan Alda about a canyon where Native American's called the Freemont lived over 1,000 years ago and has remained untouched. Bet you didn't know anything like that existed did you? This is extremely fascinating, because it shows us aboriginals in our own country like we've never heard about about before.
Gervais has Globes
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Ricky Gervais has become such a huge mega-star with The Office, Extras, all of his stand up, and his podcast (most downloaded in the world) that the Golden Globes asked him to host. When he told them he would only do it if didn't have to write a routine or rehearse, they foolishly agreed. If you know anything about Ricky, you'd know that he is an extremely intelligent observationalist who gets his jollies off on awkward situations, honesty, and the most inappropriate humor.
He has been very vocal about celebrity culture and what bullshit the hollywood machine is as well as the holier than thou, pompous, and politically correct culture American celebrity has become. Why would they have agreed to no rehearsal on a live show, I will never know. If you didn't catch the show, believe me this clip is worth sitting thru. The audience didn't know what to think... Talk about awkward. This is almost on par with the White House Correspondents Dinner asking Stephen Colbert to host.
He has been very vocal about celebrity culture and what bullshit the hollywood machine is as well as the holier than thou, pompous, and politically correct culture American celebrity has become. Why would they have agreed to no rehearsal on a live show, I will never know. If you didn't catch the show, believe me this clip is worth sitting thru. The audience didn't know what to think... Talk about awkward. This is almost on par with the White House Correspondents Dinner asking Stephen Colbert to host.
Diamond Icebergs
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Scientists believe there may be diamond icebergs floating in liquid diamond oceans on Uranus and Neptune. It may even rain diamonds. ::Que Doctor Who Theme::
Read more at Physorg.com;
(The photo is a screen grab from "Midnight" in Series 4 of Doctor Who. By far the scariest most psychological midjob the entire show has ever pulled off. It takes place on an planet that is all diamond and cannot support life - or at least how we know it)
Spot the Gecko
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on 18 January 2010
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29 Dangerously Overloaded Vehicles
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Harold and Maude
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This film is right up my alley. Conformity is a theme that I always enjoy. I must admit I was skeptical about watching this film because it was older. My favorite part is when everyone was giving Harold their judgements on his wanting to marry Maude and behind each person was their idol who shaped their opinions. Their leaders if you will. The pope, Nixon, and Freud. BRILLIANT commentary.
It's helpful for me too because I want my main character to turn into a Maude-like person, but receiving less joy out of her growing eccentricities. If you've read my comments I left in response to you guys, I shared how that song by The Boss describes my personality. My main character (probably named Vera) will uproot herself after a tragedy and run with a large inheritance. My story will likely be a tragedy as well. Basically I'm writing myself into a fictional character.
I lied, my favorite part might be that Harold did not have dialogue for an entire 15 minutes. It takes talent to pull that off. Great recommendation. Which one should I do next? BTW, did you really like Toys? It'd be ok if it was too cheesy. I wouldn't take offense.

Royal Caribbean Docks in Haiti
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The Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines' ship Independence of the Seas went ahead with its scheduled stop at a fenced-in private Haitian beach surrounded by armed guards, leaving its passengers to "cut loose" on the beach, just a few kilometers from one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the region's history.
More at BoingBoing
Jesus Hates Me
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on 17 January 2010
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After I just wrote comments about how I had a little bit of optimism personally, I slipped on ice while I was on the edge of concrete stairsand was propelled foward and landed like 4 feet ahead of where I was with my left leg bent and all my weight landed on my left knee.... I just got home from the hospital where I found out there are several numbers like 18,19, and 20 when they ask you "On a scale of 1-10 what is your pain at? My insurance is closed because anthem doesn't work past 5pm and I couldn't even find out what the cheapest hospital to go to was. Of course hospitals don't give out that kind of information. I have insurance but it is shitty and my deductable is like 2500. There goes a whole lot of that money that was helping me out when I was about to get my old serving job back, but of course, now I can't stand up with out krutches and holding a serving tray while doing it?
Seriously. How bad are things going to get?
Seriously. How bad are things going to get?