Fick Dich Supreme Court

Edit: This is not a new post. I just changed the title to reflect my feelings using the handy chart previously posted.

From Democracy Now:

“The Supreme Court has ruled corporations have the right to spend as much money as they like to influence the outcome of US elections. In a five-to-four decision, the court overturned century-old restrictions on corporations, unions and other interest groups from using their vast treasuries to advocate for a specific candidate. The majority opinion affirms corporations have First Amendment rights and that the government can’t limit their political speech.”

I feel sick to my stomach. I have been thinking about just cutting politics out of my life. No more Rachel, Keith or Americablog. I'm 45 I still have some good years left and I think the planet does to. My kneejerk reaction is just to kiss off voting and staying informed.

Maybe the "Mission Accomplished" sign had nothing to do with Iraq at all. Maybe it was the corporate announcement to us all that they have won.
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