If you were granted the power of passing any one piece of legislation, however you wanted it to read, and it would be signed, what would it be?
The short version please. No 1000 pagers. ;-)
Hypothetically Speaking
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on 22 August 2009
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Engineer's Guide to Cats -- Ginger the Cat for President
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Engineer's Guide to Cats,
Ginger the Cat for President,
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Here's another in the Engineer's Guide to Cats -- Ginger the Cat for President 2008 video. Another hysterically funny video:
I thought everything was fine now...
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Regulators shut Guaranty Bank in 2nd largest failure
In contrast to the big bank failures early in the financial crisis, many of the recently shuttered banks were undone not by exotic mortgage products but by garden-variety loans...
Toll of failed banks mounts
I was going to write more about what a liar Bernake is but hubby is dragging me out of the house for the garage sale of the year.....gotta go
In contrast to the big bank failures early in the financial crisis, many of the recently shuttered banks were undone not by exotic mortgage products but by garden-variety loans...
Toll of failed banks mounts
I was going to write more about what a liar Bernake is but hubby is dragging me out of the house for the garage sale of the year.....gotta go
Because I got High Part 2
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on 21 August 2009
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Ken Lee, tu libo dibu douchoo
This Last one will make you cry
I'm going to go watch Lord of the Rings. Let me know if any of these are new videos for you.
Hilarious Video about Cats
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Engineer's Guide to Cats,
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If you haven't seen this, you need it. It is hilarious -- a video done by two professional engineers entitled "An Engineer's Guide to Cats."
Because I got High Part 1
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I'm oddly attracted to this guy. Is it wrong that I want to marry someone like this?
The ones in the middle are from movies. Some I edited together. I am going to just smoke and try to find the really funny reality ones, as in not written or produced. The panda sneeze video is in there somewhere too.
The ones in the middle are from movies. Some I edited together. I am going to just smoke and try to find the really funny reality ones, as in not written or produced. The panda sneeze video is in there somewhere too.
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Can someone tell me what a page break is properly called for a blog post? I want to find the code bc I don't want to post a super super mega long post. I just want to put a snipit on the outside so you click and the whole thing unfolds. kind of like the the fold on the newspaper, you know "above the fold"
Monkey Friday
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Just try not to laugh out loud.....I bet you do.
Barney Frank's Protestor
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Barney Frank,
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Mount St Helens and the Ape Cave
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Ape Cave,
Harry Truman,
Spirit Lake,
Windy Ridge
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Some of you know about my adventure last February to the Ape Cave, and the subsequent four-hour "hike" through it. It was actually more like what is called a "scramble" which is more than just a nice, casual stroll. A scramble means you are climbing rocks (amongst) and trying to navigate on terrain that is not easy to walk. There were several "lava walls" -- this is a bunch of lava that congregates in one place and forms a barrier. One of those lava walls was about ten feet high, straight up and down. Thank heaven, my companion was used to these type of obstacles and literally had to pull me up to the top of it.
It was pitch black in the "cave." A lava tube is a literally a long tube of hardened lava with a hollowed out center. It was anywhere from 20 to 30 feet wide, and in most spots at least 20 feet high. Did I also tell you it was pitch black? We literally had to wear the type of helmets miners are frequently pictured wearing when they go down into the mines with the headlamps on the front of them. We went in February and it was about 40 degrees inside the cave. The Ape Cave is located about 7 miles from the dome of Mt St Helens that erupted in the early 80s. The Ape Cave itself was formed about 2,000 years ago at the last major eruption of St Helens.
Here are some links to the Ape Cave, Harry Truman, Spirit Lake, and Windy Ridge (a scenic viewing spot between Spirit Lake and looking west south west into the dome of Mt St Helens:
http://www.lewisriver.com/apecave.html , http://www.lewisriver.com/apecavemap.html , http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/LavaTubes/framework.html , http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/recreation/ape-cave/index.shtml , http://photobucket.com/images/Ape%20Caves/ ,
http://www.seattlepi.com/mountsthelens/ ,
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=spirit+lake+washington&search_type=&aq=6&oq=spirit+lake ,
http://www.seattlepi.com/mountsthelens/hary11.shtml ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBplx_FURe8 ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LViVg3wMcYg&feature=fvw ,
It was pitch black in the "cave." A lava tube is a literally a long tube of hardened lava with a hollowed out center. It was anywhere from 20 to 30 feet wide, and in most spots at least 20 feet high. Did I also tell you it was pitch black? We literally had to wear the type of helmets miners are frequently pictured wearing when they go down into the mines with the headlamps on the front of them. We went in February and it was about 40 degrees inside the cave. The Ape Cave is located about 7 miles from the dome of Mt St Helens that erupted in the early 80s. The Ape Cave itself was formed about 2,000 years ago at the last major eruption of St Helens.
Here are some links to the Ape Cave, Harry Truman, Spirit Lake, and Windy Ridge (a scenic viewing spot between Spirit Lake and looking west south west into the dome of Mt St Helens:
http://www.lewisriver.com/apecave.html , http://www.lewisriver.com/apecavemap.html , http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/LavaTubes/framework.html , http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/recreation/ape-cave/index.shtml , http://photobucket.com/images/Ape%20Caves/ ,
http://www.seattlepi.com/mountsthelens/ ,
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=spirit+lake+washington&search_type=&aq=6&oq=spirit+lake ,
http://www.seattlepi.com/mountsthelens/hary11.shtml ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBplx_FURe8 ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LViVg3wMcYg&feature=fvw ,
California Unemployment
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Unemployment in California has reached 11.9%. That is a lot of people. When I was spending time in LA the average price for a home in California had just tipped over $500,000. The average price. I'll bet that California gets the worst of this recession/depression when all is said and done.
When you consider the underemployed and those who don't qualify along with the tons of Californians who are wealthy enough to not work, I wonder, just how many people do not have a job.
Micheal Moore's New Movie!
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Here is a trailer for "Captialism: A Love Story
Usually I wait until a movie comes out on DVD but I am going to the theater for this one. Micheal deserves the box office numbers and I am going to help add to them.
It opens nationwide October 2
Usually I wait until a movie comes out on DVD but I am going to the theater for this one. Micheal deserves the box office numbers and I am going to help add to them.
It opens nationwide October 2
The Dangers of Getting High
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I got an email from Lisa yesterday asking me if I was ok, cuz there were a bunch of tornados thru the midwest. I told her the sky was just green and orange, but it was no big deal. Less than 10 miles away from me part of a town was destroyed.... I guess I shouldn't smoke pot during tornado warnings anymore. There are 2 funny things about this. I am deathly afraid of tornados (due to experience) and this town is where the guy who wrote Wizzard of Oz Lived. They have Oz Fest every summer. I think that is kind of tongue-in-cheek funny. I think this is an actual picture where you can kind of see the orange. It was wicked though. I remember how insanely mesmerized i was by the orange.
Why do tornados always go after schools?
This is not the change I voted for
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Even after an order by a US Court that foreign nationals arrested outside of Afghanistan and flown into Bagram are eligible to challenge their detention in court, lawyers can't get authorization to begin proceedings. The government won't even release the names of detainees claiming the men's privacy rights.
This is shameful. Here is more.
This is shameful. Here is more.
Posted by
on 20 August 2009
NASA Image of the Day,
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Okay, I was just goofing around with my own Progressive Friends blogger dashboard and went to the layout and clicked on the "Gadgets" and then looked thru them and added the "NASA Image of the Day." I thought it would only show up on my own posts, but I just checked the main blog and it's on there. What do you guys think? If you want me to go back into my dashboard and remove it I will.
Joe, I honestly was not trying to mess up anything. Please let me know.
Joe, I honestly was not trying to mess up anything. Please let me know.
Loving this Blog
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I am so delighted we decided to do this Blogspot. I believe I'm getting an opportunity to know each of you much better and in this way we can reach out to each in a much more intimate way. We can post what we would like to talk about and exchange points of view on various subjects. We all bring our own unique views and interests to the table and I've been learning so much from each of you. I'm so glad we're all here!
Thanks each and every one for being an oasis in a desert of an oft cold and cruel world!
Thanks each and every one for being an oasis in a desert of an oft cold and cruel world!
This one is for Lisa
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I found a video of a giant panda giving birth. I was surprised to find how small and hairless the newborn is. It almost seems as if the adult does not know what to do with the baby at first. What beautiful animals....
Here is my attempt to post a youtube video.
Forbes Names Greenest Company of 2009
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Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan
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Helen Keller,
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I know this is off topic guys, but I just ran across this 1930's footage of Helen Keller with her teacher Anne Sullivan. I had never seen video of her before, nor had I heard her speak. I thought this might be a first for you.
We need a modern remake of the Helen Keller story. Who would play Helen Keller as a kid and who would play her as an adult? I've got to think about this for a while, but I'll leave my thoughts in the comments.
We need a modern remake of the Helen Keller story. Who would play Helen Keller as a kid and who would play her as an adult? I've got to think about this for a while, but I'll leave my thoughts in the comments.
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Barney Frank,
Ted Kennedy
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Ted Kennedy has requested that Massachusetts change state law incase circumstances call for him to resign quickly. That is terribly sad news. I think we all know that means he needs to leave asap. With an open Senate seat in Massachusetts, I predict Barney Frank will fill his seat. I'm going on record here. Of course I don't like the situation, but things are what they are. I wish Ted Kennedy the best with his health.
Yahoo News Link on Kennedy's request.
What is your footprint?
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I promise not all my post will have to do with climate change but I found something I just had to share.
Have you ever wondered what your carbon footprint is?
The link is to a quiz that generally determines how many planets it would take to sustain your lifestyle if we ALL lived the same way. I was surprised to find out it would take over three earths to sustain mine. As good as I thought I was doing, I obviously have a lot of work to do.
This quiz is easy to take, no registering, and interesting to watch.
Have you ever wondered what your carbon footprint is?
The link is to a quiz that generally determines how many planets it would take to sustain your lifestyle if we ALL lived the same way. I was surprised to find out it would take over three earths to sustain mine. As good as I thought I was doing, I obviously have a lot of work to do.
This quiz is easy to take, no registering, and interesting to watch.
"New Look"
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New Layout
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Kudos to Joe for not only starting this ball in motion but for being so diligent about starting new threads and shepherding our new spot through the birthing process. I really, really like the new layout -- colors are more subtle and not as hard on the eyes. It looks great, Joe.
I was also looking for the original thread where we were talking about North Korea and their request to see Bill Richardson when they are in New York. Here is an article I just ran across that might answer some of your questions, Joe. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/19/us.north.korea.richardson/
I was also looking for the original thread where we were talking about North Korea and their request to see Bill Richardson when they are in New York. Here is an article I just ran across that might answer some of your questions, Joe. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/19/us.north.korea.richardson/
REAL Progressives on Health Care
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Dennis Kucinich,
Single Payer,
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I can't even think of commentary to write for this... This is the way it is acceptable to nail Obama to the wall. This video basically calls him a flat out liar in a way that is based in fact, and it is backed up with evidence.
Over the past few months I've officially broke up with the DNC. If more news agencies were reporting on what is happening in the Democratic Party and not on what the Republicans are saying about the left, then I think a lot more people would be dumping them too.
BTW, I just created the "Lies" Label. Lets see how much faster that number grows than all the others.
Over the past few months I've officially broke up with the DNC. If more news agencies were reporting on what is happening in the Democratic Party and not on what the Republicans are saying about the left, then I think a lot more people would be dumping them too.
BTW, I just created the "Lies" Label. Lets see how much faster that number grows than all the others.
Good Gay News
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Good News,
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Minneapolis, MN - It has been a long time since I've come across any good gay news. The largest Lutheran denomination in the country is going to tackle a proposal that would allow for people in gay relationships to become clergy. Of course there is resistance, but I'm not going to focus on that at all.
Jon Stewart
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Barney Frank,
Daily Show,
Jon Stewart,
Town Hall
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Jon Stewart did a great segment on the now infamous Barney Frank Town Hall in Dartmouth the other day:
Note from Jophus: Lisa, I saw this in the drafts and it looked like you were having some trouble. I went ahead and fixed it for you.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Barney Frank's Town Hall Snaps | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Note from Jophus: Lisa, I saw this in the drafts and it looked like you were having some trouble. I went ahead and fixed it for you.
Michael Moore on the New Movie.
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on 19 August 2009
MIchael Moore
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Baby Panda
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Endangered Species,
Giant Pandas,
San Diego Zoo
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The new baby panda at the San Diego Zoo is two weeks old today. Momma is still keeping him close to her to keep him warm and safe. She leaves the den periodically now to eat, take care of business, and get water. When she is out the baby can be clearly seen. He has now developed the black markings of a panda. The Zoo has a 24-hour webcam in the maternity den (using night vision technology).
Here's a link to the site http://www.sandiegozoo.org/pandacam/index.html
There's also a "blog" with messages from pandaholics from all over posting, and a section that introduces all of the pandas currently at the zoo and those who were there but have moved on -- two of those are babies that were born at SDZ but have gone back to China.
Here's a link to the site http://www.sandiegozoo.org/pandacam/index.html
There's also a "blog" with messages from pandaholics from all over posting, and a section that introduces all of the pandas currently at the zoo and those who were there but have moved on -- two of those are babies that were born at SDZ but have gone back to China.
Barney Frank on Single Payer
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Barney Frank,
Health Care,
Single Payer,
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These are the questions the media and people should be asking. This is Barney Frank asked by a citizen about single-payer.
Does anyone else get the sense that Frank feels guilty for the words coming out of his mouth? He FUCKING should. BTW, eventually I'll get around to writing posts instead of just posting video.
TYT - "Heil Hitler"
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Health Care,
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I had read about this, but not seen the video. This literally just made me cry. If you don't know about this show I can tell you about it later. It is The Young Turks and the host is a guest host - Michael Shore.
Hey, I know. Let's allow these people to carry assault rifles.... Around our ELECTED leader.
Must See Videos
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We all know how violent the Town Halls have been this summer. Of course, the Republicrat politicians did as much as they could to agitate their base into this type of behavior and now that it has become as violent as it has, they don't even have the balls to condemn it. They will say "they don't condone it" but won't condemn it. What kind of BS is that from supposedly leaders?
Here are some recent links to various video clips from various town halls that speak for themselves:
Arizona: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/cnn-assault-rifles-spied-openly-phoenix-ra People openly carrying assault weapons (legal in Arizona but still scary as hell)
Las Vegas: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/woman-yells-heil-hitler-jewish-man-las-veg Women heckles American citizen with Jewish background (yells "Heil Hitler" -- says a lot about her "compassionate conservatism")
Massachusetts: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/barney-frank-confronts-woman-obama-hitler Barney Frank takes it to this woman and nails her right between the eyes with no diplomacy (not that she deserved it)
Immigration Rights March in Connecticut: http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/violence-immigrants-march-connecticu Note the black "mask" on the man holding the "White Pride" flag
Other than the comments I've made, I will not editorialize on these situations and let you come to your own conclusions. I know what I think.
Here are some recent links to various video clips from various town halls that speak for themselves:
Arizona: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/cnn-assault-rifles-spied-openly-phoenix-ra People openly carrying assault weapons (legal in Arizona but still scary as hell)
Las Vegas: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/woman-yells-heil-hitler-jewish-man-las-veg Women heckles American citizen with Jewish background (yells "Heil Hitler" -- says a lot about her "compassionate conservatism")
Massachusetts: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/barney-frank-confronts-woman-obama-hitler Barney Frank takes it to this woman and nails her right between the eyes with no diplomacy (not that she deserved it)
Immigration Rights March in Connecticut: http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/violence-immigrants-march-connecticu Note the black "mask" on the man holding the "White Pride" flag
Other than the comments I've made, I will not editorialize on these situations and let you come to your own conclusions. I know what I think.
Oil industry v life on earth
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With the danger facing our planet I wonder how these people sleep at night. Don't they have any children?
Oil industry group sought to stage rallies against climate bill.
Sh*t like this has been going on far too long. The economy, jobs, civil rights, health care, etc., are not going to matter once over that tipping point we are quickly hurling towards.
I'm sure this is nothing.......
Get ready for a lot more of this....
It should be a crime against humanity and all other life on Earth to stand in the way of any bill that attempts to control climate change.
(Joseph-to post videos the way you do do you have to download them first?)
Oil industry group sought to stage rallies against climate bill.
Sh*t like this has been going on far too long. The economy, jobs, civil rights, health care, etc., are not going to matter once over that tipping point we are quickly hurling towards.
I'm sure this is nothing.......
Get ready for a lot more of this....
It should be a crime against humanity and all other life on Earth to stand in the way of any bill that attempts to control climate change.
(Joseph-to post videos the way you do do you have to download them first?)
North Korea
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North Korea
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I always get hung up on issues involving North Korea. When something happens it is always really funky and just doesn't make sense. Rachel reported that we are allowing North Korean diplomats to go to New Mexico, when we never let them leave the U.N. in New York.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that something strange is going on between us and North Korea? I know Richardson helped get these reporters back, but this is just strange. Why do they want to see him? Why couldn't he just go to New York? What exactly did we give in the negotiations to get the girls back? I don't buy the idea that they were just happy enough to get recognition from a President. They could have photoshopped that, they've done it before. Also what does a governor of a square state have to offer a country on the other side of the world? Why would North Korea care about him over anyone else in the entire country?
I'm not saying there is a conspiracy. I am just saying I see a red flag in North Korea. A different red flag than the other one. I see two red flags.
Electric Cars
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on 18 August 2009
Auto Industry,
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This post is kind of shitty because I just rushed to throw this junk together. It still has all the relevant info though. I thought this was common knowledge, but I'm starting to wonder if it really is. There is a company called Tesla Motors based out of California who has been making and selling electric cars. I'm not talking about your EV-1 or anything. These are real cars. Super hot real cars. This is the model that is on the roads now, the Tesla Roadster:

- 244 miles per charge
- 0-60mph in less than 4 seconds
- $110k
They have a new model coming out called the Model S. It's base price is $50k and it is a normal everyday coup, but again this one is electric too. Here is a video of the unveiling of this model:
The country seems to think the Chevy Volt is going to be the answer, but that is a hybrid (still pollutes and wastes oil). It will only go 40 miles without needing gas. We still don't know how far it will actually go, we just need to take GM's word for it. By the way GM already had an electric car that the owners loved called the EV-1 that they killed. This was like 10 years ago. Now tell me why they needed to add a gas tank 10 years after they've already demonstrated that gas was unnecessary and that the technology had a market?
I wonder how different the country would look if the government didn't give a failing giant billions of dollars and handed it over to these people. What if your stimulus package actually went into investments into the future? Why hasn't this car been all over the news? They've been selling the Roadster for over 3 years now. Matt Damon, Will.i.am, and Jay Leno have them among other people. You'd think that if something this amazing existed we would all know about it.
Cash for clunkers? How about cash for cars that would save our environment and do EXTREME damage to our dependance on oil? This require NO gas.
If not now, when?
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The US acts as though this issue is something that can be postponed indefinitely. I vividly remember writing my letter to the first president Bush urging him to sign on to the Koyoto Treaty when he was hesitating to even go to negotiations. He went and I was heartened.
I voted for Bill Clinton because he had Al Gore as his vice. Bill got elected and I was hopeful. I don't know what happened to Al while he was in office but during the 90's vehicles kept getting larger and worse gas mileage. Gone was ANY talk of conservation. It was as though the 70's never happened. I know cars aren't the only carbon emitter but I think what happened with them is indicative of the run away energy usage that is going to be the death of us all, if our lack of health insurance doesn't get us first.
I finally got to the point where I realized that most people want to pretend the issue does not exist and politicians are only too happy to oblige. It finally is becoming more of a mainstream topic but is getting drown out by bank bailouts, a crashing ecomony and the heathcare fraud (just sign everyone up for Medicad already). I don't know what the US is waiting for:
BERLIN, Aug 17 (IPS) - The disappointing results of negotiations in Bonn last week are indication that industrialized countries are unwilling to make substantial contributions to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.
"If we continue at this rate we're not going to make it," Yvo de Boer, head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
All I can say is I am glad I don't have children.
Edit: I don't know why the site is not showing up as a link but can be pasted in your browser.
Still learning......
Second Edit: Thank you Joseph. Link now operational!!
I voted for Bill Clinton because he had Al Gore as his vice. Bill got elected and I was hopeful. I don't know what happened to Al while he was in office but during the 90's vehicles kept getting larger and worse gas mileage. Gone was ANY talk of conservation. It was as though the 70's never happened. I know cars aren't the only carbon emitter but I think what happened with them is indicative of the run away energy usage that is going to be the death of us all, if our lack of health insurance doesn't get us first.
I finally got to the point where I realized that most people want to pretend the issue does not exist and politicians are only too happy to oblige. It finally is becoming more of a mainstream topic but is getting drown out by bank bailouts, a crashing ecomony and the heathcare fraud (just sign everyone up for Medicad already). I don't know what the US is waiting for:
BERLIN, Aug 17 (IPS) - The disappointing results of negotiations in Bonn last week are indication that industrialized countries are unwilling to make substantial contributions to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.
"If we continue at this rate we're not going to make it," Yvo de Boer, head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
All I can say is I am glad I don't have children.
Edit: I don't know why the site is not showing up as a link but can be pasted in your browser.
Still learning......
Second Edit: Thank you Joseph. Link now operational!!
Blog Update
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Blog Update
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Lisa, Magnolia, Kerry, and I all have our own accounts now so when we write a post it will say at the top who is writing it. Thank you, guys. Again, anyone at all who wishes to make blog posts just needs to email me at Jradkins@gmail.com and give me the specific email addy you would like to have associated with the site.
I've been thinking about how I am personally going to use this blog because I would like to benefit from it in ways beyond just social. So I am going to post stuff as I learn it and hopefully if you are able to teach me more, I will have the benefit of learning from your knowledge and experience. For example, I don't really know much about energy reform. I am going to be looking into the issue in my free time over the next few weeks to really get into the issue. As I find videos, sites, pictures, ideas etc, I will post them.
The thing that is most beneficial is that I have a feeling Lisa knows a lot about the environment and can help guide me in my quest. Then other people will learn as well and we will all be more knowledgeable than others when the energy reform issue takes the limelight, after health care.
Also I think I am going to do a kind of video round up about once a day and just make one post that features political news of the day and clips from the shows the night before. I don't want to make a post every time I find something and end up with 50k posts from me that contain just an embedded video. Do you guys watch videos at your computers or would it be a waste of my time? I would put segments up off Rachel, Keith, Daily Show, Colbert and stuff like the video below that I found like 10 minutes ago.
This is a video I found today of a protest called "Billionaires for Wealthcare."
Added @ 4:14pm (CST) : We had a problem with Disqus. I don't know why. It was working on some posts but not others. Now it is working on all new posts and this one old post, which wasn't working earlier for Kerry. I don't know what is going on. We seemed to have lost all the old comments even though it appears they are still there when you are look at the main page.
Rachel on the Public Option
Posted by
Public Option,
Rachel Maddow
So this is why I love Rachel, she tells the story that is unfolding in somewhat of a historical context. She takes the politics out and shows you exactly what is happening in relation to everything else. You forget how bad it really is and she brings you back. Here is the beginning segment from her show last night about the status of the public option. It's brilliant.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Pandas Face Extinction
Posted by
on 17 August 2009
Endangered Species,
Giant Pandas
There are two endangered species that I have been supporting for years -- whooping cranes and pandas. The great panda is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund. Thousands of years ago pandas were found all over China, however they are now found only in small isolated regions of southwest China and their habitat is becoming smaller all the time.
It is now becoming so small that they may be extinct in the wild within 2 or 3 decades according to this article:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/6041990/Chinas-giant-panda-faces-extinction-in-two-to-three-generations.html
There are estimated to be only about 1,600 wild pandas left now. As usual the most immediate threat to their existence is man and development. At only 1600 left in the wild the gene pool diversity is seriously in danger.It made me so sad when I read this story today. If we, as a species, are unable to find the where with all to be able to save less than 2,000 of an endangered species, what does that say for our ability to save ourselves from extinction?
Endangered Species, Environment, Giant Pandas
It is now becoming so small that they may be extinct in the wild within 2 or 3 decades according to this article:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/6041990/Chinas-giant-panda-faces-extinction-in-two-to-three-generations.html
There are estimated to be only about 1,600 wild pandas left now. As usual the most immediate threat to their existence is man and development. At only 1600 left in the wild the gene pool diversity is seriously in danger.It made me so sad when I read this story today. If we, as a species, are unable to find the where with all to be able to save less than 2,000 of an endangered species, what does that say for our ability to save ourselves from extinction?
Endangered Species, Environment, Giant Pandas
Blog Update/Open Thread
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The Blog General
Blog Update
I wanted to let everyone know that all I need is the email account you would like to use for your posting privileges here and I can add you immediately (if I haven't fallen asleep). This way the authors will be tagged and we will know who wrote what.
This is a video I thought you may enjoy. I wanted to post it on AmBlog, but I'm not allowed to post videos there anymore. This is Carol Channing singing a song to Alice in the musical for tv adaptation of Through the Looking Glass. For those of you who don't know, Carol is the real Dolly (Hello Dolly!). I'm so gay. This is relevant because she is trying to negotiate with Alice and it is very similar to the tactics used by Obama on several progressive issues including DADT/DOMA, Health Care, Energy.... I stand by the sentiment I expressed on the other site: All of these stories have been told by gay people throughout the past thru art/music.
I was hoping this would function as an open thread too, just to centralize everything. It seems kind of scattered right now.
2017 Solar Eclipse
Posted by
The Blog General
Bucket List,
Solar Eclipse

I was going to post about the fact that Mars was going to be at the closest position to Earth, 2 days before my birthday based on information that my mom gave. So I went get the specifics about Mars being as large as the moon on August 27th, but I found out this is a cyber hoax. Mars was at its closest point in 2003 and I actually remember smoking on my rear balcony in Indianapolis with my then best friend. I am pretty sure there was a comet at the same time. Hail bop? Did I just make that up? I may be thinking about that Hanson song.
Given that this is a hoax, I decided to still author a post on the same topic: Astronomy. -BTW that was the hardest class I've ever taken- The next total solar eclipse will be on 21 August 2017. It is nearly exactly 8 years away (counting fingers). This will be a total eclipse in the lower 48, folks! Here are some brief facts about this very special event:
- The G-Spot will be in/at Christian Co., KY for 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
- This is the first to sweep the entire country since 19-fucking-18!
- The next to span our continent will be 8 April 2024.
On a personal note, this is 1 of 2 things I decided years ago that I needed to see before I die. The other being Macchu Pichu in Peru. So God can't let me pass until 21 August 2017 in the evening. It just wouldn't be the Christian thing to do.
Does anyone else have something they want to do or a place they want to go to before their ticket is up? This could make for very interesting conversation. Here is a map of the path of 2017 Solar Eclipse. It looks like it is going to come right over you Helen! Kerry aren't you in Washington too? Hopefully at that time I'll be in Portland myself, but I will travel to bumfuck, KY for this.

My Thoughts

I am hoping to be able to post interesting political, economical, environmental, quirky stories and maybe once in a while about something cool I have seen or done. If I had gone to the concert Saturday (see the "Who?" post) I would have taken pictures with the thought of posting them. As it was I didn't find out about this excellent idea until Sunday morning when my head was still fuzzy from the night before.
It's exciting to meet like minded people who are interested in learning. In the early 90's when I was very concerned about climate change and our dependence on foreign oil (and our oil use in general) I felt so alone. No one else seemed to have those issues on their radar. Even my now ex husband thought I was kind of a kook. After September 11, I just wasn't buying the official bull especially in the run up to the Iraq war. Then I discovered blogs. Liberal blogs. I honestly don't know how I would have made it during that crazy time without knowing there were people out there feeling the same way I do that were not getting a voice in the typical media. I never thought of starting a blog but now that this opportunity has presented itself I would like to be a part.
Joseph I like what you have started. If this is nothing but sharing amongst a few that is enough for me. Sometime I post a story in an A blog thread that I think is important and am not sure if even one person notices. Also I don't know if John minds people going off topic or chit chatting.
I am excited about this and can't wait to see how it develops! Just for practice I am posting my favorite picture from my vacation in Utah several years ago (before I found out what anti gay a**holes Mormons were). That is my camper at a campsite in Hite, Utah. There was only one other camper besides us.
Rachel on Meet the Press
Posted by
The Blog General
on 16 August 2009
Dick Armey,
Meet the Press,
Rachel Maddow,
Tom Coburn,
Tom Daschle
Here is an 11 minute clip from this mornings Meet the Press (not posted on AmBlog) where Rachel was seated next to Dick Armey. They discussed the guy with a gun at the Obama rally, health care, and the Republicans are actually getting challenged. I guess we are getting that "change." Keep in mind that Rachel just got Armey fired. How awkward this must have been for her.
References for Posting
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The Blog General
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Ok so here is some stuff I've learned so far and some references for stuff you may want/need to look at before posting.
Making a New Post: Go to Blogger.com sign in with the account info and find the button to make a new post. I know it may sound silly that I'm even mentioning this, but I got lost the first couple of times. Once you are already signed in, you can just use the header at the top of the blog. There is a button that says new post.
Posting a Video: What ever site you you find your video at will have an embedding link. You just need to copy that and paste it in your text. The thing is you have to look at the code and change the options to make it fit. This text column is too small for a lot of videos. YouTube for example has the default size is too big. Use the size 400x252.
Labels: Underneath the field where you write your post, if you fill in the label system, it will be easier to find a post in the future.
Tags: If you don't know what they are, they are the code (HTML) you enter along with your text in order to manipulate it. It is also what you use when you insert pictures or videos. If you want to make something bold, italicized, underlined, linked, etc.. Check this site out: http://www.pageresource.com/html/textags.htm (Funny that I just posted the link right? I don't feel like looking up the code to do it all nice and stuff). Also the easiest thing to do for most of it is use the formatting bar at the top of the field where you write your post.
I am so tired of staring at this screen and dealing with this site tonight, so I am just going to come back and edit this post tomorrow. Note to self: explain how to edit a post... :-D
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The Blog General
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The Guess Who played at the Nooksack River Amphitheater in Deming, WA last night to a small but appreciative crowd. The venue was incredibly beautiful and alone worth the experience. It is surrounded by tree covered hills that lit up as the sun went down. This is a test post so please forgive the lack of pictures or anything else. This website has a photo and info of future "Concerts On The Green" should anyone who lives in Washington state be interested (thinking of you HelenRainier).
The one thing that was very strange was that the band was not announced. They just walked on stage and started playing. Didn't even start with one of their hits and it took a few songs for us to figure out who the hell they were (are they the opening band?).
Going to click on Publish Post....here goes......
The one thing that was very strange was that the band was not announced. They just walked on stage and started playing. Didn't even start with one of their hits and it took a few songs for us to figure out who the hell they were (are they the opening band?).
Going to click on Publish Post....here goes......