I am hoping to be able to post interesting political, economical, environmental, quirky stories and maybe once in a while about something cool I have seen or done. If I had gone to the concert Saturday (see the "Who?" post) I would have taken pictures with the thought of posting them. As it was I didn't find out about this excellent idea until Sunday morning when my head was still fuzzy from the night before.
It's exciting to meet like minded people who are interested in learning. In the early 90's when I was very concerned about climate change and our dependence on foreign oil (and our oil use in general) I felt so alone. No one else seemed to have those issues on their radar. Even my now ex husband thought I was kind of a kook. After September 11, I just wasn't buying the official bull especially in the run up to the Iraq war. Then I discovered blogs. Liberal blogs. I honestly don't know how I would have made it during that crazy time without knowing there were people out there feeling the same way I do that were not getting a voice in the typical media. I never thought of starting a blog but now that this opportunity has presented itself I would like to be a part.
Joseph I like what you have started. If this is nothing but sharing amongst a few that is enough for me. Sometime I post a story in an A blog thread that I think is important and am not sure if even one person notices. Also I don't know if John minds people going off topic or chit chatting.
I am excited about this and can't wait to see how it develops! Just for practice I am posting my favorite picture from my vacation in Utah several years ago (before I found out what anti gay a**holes Mormons were). That is my camper at a campsite in Hite, Utah. There was only one other camper besides us.