Related to my post: If you would like to have anything from MSNBC downloaded on the regular to your computer you can go to iTunes where it will download Rachel's show about an hour after it airs, automatically, every day, or you can go
here and get the format of the show that you want. You can put it on your ipod as video or you can put it on as audio. You can just watch it on your computer. You can even burn it on a cd to listen to in your car (although that is very wasteful to do everyday). I'm actually going to do a post later today all about "New Tee Vee." I'm very interested to know whether or not you have a smart phone or a laptop you watch video on or would be willing to watch video on. I've lived this way for about 6 years, so I'm an expert. Let me know what you think you might benefit from integrating this into your life or not, so I can make the post accordingly. Also if you have any questions about the movement.
I would also like any ideas about the blog as well as criticism. Can we revisit the goal idea and talk about stuff that has been happening that we like or don't like? I used the blog for something extremely personal and someone hit like on a comment I left on my own post that made me feel like I was sharing too much, or crossed a line. So I took it down. After enough posts came back up, I reposted it and it is up again if you want to take a look at it.
I was talking about gardening and composting and stuff, but have been silent about the whole thing. I've had something very bad happen and I lost about 25 thousand dollars in cash and my life has been spinning out of control since then. It is a long story and I'm not going to share that personal and embarrassing,

possibly idiotic, story. I will however tell you I plan on continuing that when I can. I did start growing a tomato plant from a seed out of a store bought tomato about a month ago, maybe 6 weeks, and it has went from a seed smaller than any seed I have ever seen before into what you probabaly see right now. If you don't see it, that is because I haven't taken the photo yet. I'm doing it after I post this.

Personal update on Coz - I've seen him online twice and each time he was on AIM I put up an away message to send a signal to him that I didn't want to talk. I need to be with my thoughts this weekend before I let him know about all that other junk. I seem to go from wanting to pursue things to not wanting to talk to him at all, depending on the time of day. So it isn't fair to do one thing or the other until I'm fairly consistent with one idea.
Just to clear up the famous friend thing a little better for carry. Landon Pigg was a guy who used to come up to Butler University like once a month to visit his best friend who was a performance art major for the Bass or Cello. My ex (before Coz) was a vocal major and we all had the same group of friends - Musicians, Performers, and Artists. This was about 8 years ago? I had this cd I had bought from Landon which had a song I loved about waiting at a trainstation. It was all this sort of simile about love, in a beatnick kind of swanky way. It was a piano, accousitc guitar, and a plucked bass/cello. I was in the mood for it and went looking for the old cd and couldnt find it (it was a home made cd he was selling out of the trunk of his car). Because it had been like forever, I decided to trace my way thru some friends to try to find him so I could buy the track from him. Then I found out that he had just did the movie Whip It for Drew Barrymore and that he had all this success with his music and been all over tv on conan and jimmy fallon and stuff like that, as well as writing music for national commercials. That is what I meant when I said I don't assume anything about the people I know/knew anymore regarding fame/success. I honestly thought he would be a poor "loser" perpetually trying to get people to notice him. But the second I went to find that song I wanted, I see he is a star to the level that I will never achieve. Good for him, right? I hung out with Landon before I even know who Coz was.

Now Cosmo is a performer as well. Singing and Violin were his strengths when we were together, but I know he acts and dances too. Right now he is doing a show in Indianapolis I believe? This is the second show I've heard he was a part of though. I've always thought he would become famous, and honestly I'm quite surprised he isn't on the national level already (i'm assuming he is not). My older ex Tom, that was going to butler for voice moved to LA and did stage work in Palm Springs and became a producer and was eventually hired by QTN as they were growing and then became a program director for them till they folded. The last time I was in LA, I got him a programming job at Larry Flyntt Corporations. I'm only telling you this to illustrate how confusing it is when I'm talking about people I know/knew. I've only been friends with performers and artists.
Even back here in BFE Indiana, my friend Kristin used to travel and open for the Smashing Pumpkins until she got cervical

cancer and my hetero-life partner was a regionally successful musician for music I consider to be noise. My absolute best friend is a photographer/painter in Chicago and in my humble opinion, she is the most talented person I know. However, she is the least successful. This might explain why I seem so strange if your perspective is a normal one. Like if you come from a family. My family has always been packs of artists. I've kind of been like a contemporary bohemian.

I may be a muse. :-D Just kidding of course. All the success of my friends has lead me to believe if I just write the kind of script that I've always talked about, then I just might be able to become a success too. It certainly seems more likely for me than some other person. I just have too many things going on right now to attempt that. Unlike all of my friends, my life is in shambles. While I've been going this deepening depression, I've taken refuge in the internet. This is why I am so invested in this site. It is the only thing that hasn't failed in my life, as of late. So please give real criticism. Is the personal stuff too much? Do we still want to draw in more people?

I noticed that Kerry linked me to the site on a comment I made on America Blog. That is smart. If a regular over there says something we can write a post that applies and send them a link saying ' I just wrote something about that here, that I think you would like, or perhaps you could tell me what you think about my work.' If we did that, I think we'd have to clean up the blog. I'd be willing to do that. I'd also have to shape up and approach the blog as something more professional too. I'm just curious. I'd REALLY REALLY like to know your honest thoughts. I have the time and motivation to take this blog somewhere else right now. I also don't mind taking out the personal stuff. I can put that in my other blog and just ask that you look at that one if you are interested. I think you are smart people, and actually welcome advice from people who don't know me.
Anyways, is this good for a tomato less than 2 months? Is it time to put it in a bigger pot do you think? It is a seed from "vine tomatoes" from the grocery store. I think I'm going to put it in a 5 gallon pot with some sort of scaffolding for it to grow on. I'm still not sure if I'm going to put it in our sun room or try to grow it with a grow light. I will keep you updated though. This is how I wanted to do the gardenning and compost posts when I did that. Show progress with photos and say what the next stage is. I have learned that if you squeeze a little lemon juice in teh dirt, it sprouts up a lot more in a short amount of time. I just did that out of bordom once. Then I did it again to see if it was a fluke - It wasn't.