Sarah Palin Fans
Posted by
on 19 November 2009
I just saw this video and I think a lot of people would make fun of the Sarah Palin Fans, but these two people could be won over. I feel sorry for these people. They have no idea how embarrassed they should be, but one day that girl is going to wake up and realize she is a progressive. I guarantee it. I can't tell if republicans are brilliant or they just get the people who are too lazy to pay attention to vote for them. I think at this point that we could build a the perfect character that appeals to these people from just seeing how they flock to certain crazy people. Could we do that from our side? All they want is marketing.
I have to point this out because it bothered me the most. "Specifically" -> "big government" There we have it. Someone write the bill on a napkin with a crayon. "The government must be limited." Great ideas, folks!
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