Tiller Murderer to Plead Justifiable Homicide
Whether the antiabortionists like it or now, abortion is still legal in this country. Although, if left to them, it would not be. This is typical behavior of Conservative Christian Family Values and Bible-bangers.

UCLA has just completed a study that proves meditation builds grey matter and that frequent meditators have a larger hippocampus.
In my humble opinion, meditation is something that billions of dollars should be allocated to study. Since Eli Lilly can't find a way to charge us for what we do in our own homes, I suspect that will never happen. I had read about children who were shown an animated video about how the immune system worked and were taught to meditate were able to fight off infection at an exponentially improved rate.
This is a subject I am very interested in, but actual data is kind of hard to find. If you ever run across studies or unbiased reporting please send me the links.
Endemic Species

Like I've said before, on the weekend I tend to distance myself from politics. So please forgive me for the slew of non-political posts.
I strongly encourage any nature lovers to check look at this photo series of Socotra Island off the coast of Africa. It is in an island chain that has been isolated from the rest of the world for 7 million years, like Galapagos, so their evolution has taken a different path as well. It is home to over 700 extremely rare species, 30% of which are found no where else on Earth.
Rare Photo Taken in Afghanistan

Sometimes geopolitical events warp our perception. This picture kind of surprised me a bit because I had never given thought to the wildlife in Afghanistan. This rare photo of a snow leopard was taken with a camera trap in the Wakhan Corridor in northeastern Afghanistan.
More at the New York Times.
Truly Scared
Late Night Porn Story
And here is the testimony of an average American
“So far, there has been no congressional reaction to the request.”
Latest Republican Lie
Here is the link to the article: http://dailyhurricane.com/2009/08/latest-rnc-lie-dems-will-cut-off-your-healthcare-if-you-register-to-vote.html
CEO Paywatch -- TARP Recipients
Pacific Garbage Patch
Hurricane Katrina -- Four Years Later
This is a heart wrenching story and emphasizes how no one should ever be in a position of having to make life and decisions like this.
Decriminalize Already
I heard the other day about
Latin America has had to deal with the
“It’s not the first time that it occurred to someone that marijuana consumption ought to be decriminalized. But it is historic that three political heavyweights in Latin America who have each had to fight drugs from a position of power criticize the
Good for
Joe's Music Video
Suicidal Planet
For anyone who has ever loved a cat
As much as I love my dogs I still think cats are special.
Oh oh! This Isn't Good
Finally some good news
"The phenomenon seems to be in decline," says Berenbaum "The most vulnerable populations might have already crashed."
I'm not used to hearing good news of this kind especially when they don't know what cause it in the first place so will keep my fingers crossed. Bees are a vital link in our food chain and it is scary to imagine life without them.
Hornets watch out. You still will be shown no mercy!
Snow Rollers

Here in the midwest the past couple of years we've had a couple thunder snow events in the winter and I thought that snowy thunderstorms with lightening and all was weird and rare. I ran across this information at the National Weather Service that describes snow rollers:
"Unique combination of snow, wind, temperature and moisture needed to create them. They form with light but sticky snow and strong (but not too strong) winds. Some snow rollers are formed by gravity (i.e. rolling down a hill), but in this case, the snow rollers were generated by the wind."
I guess these are the winter's version of tumbleweed. These photos were taken by Tim Tevebaugh in Idaho. More here including more photos. I found a YouTube video of someone who found some snow rollers somewhere, but they didn't say where. That can be seen here. Fascinating stuff, huh?
ALL About the Swine Flu Pandemic

I'm writing this post to help inform you guys specifically. So you will know a little more about the situation when this confronts you in reality. Mark my words, it will. From here on out I will be referring to Swine Flu as Novel H1N1, a strain of Influenza A, per request. It is the correct label after all.
I know everyone is liberal with the skepticism on the issue, but approach this comparison with an open mind: It is like living in New Orleans and Katrina is headed towards you. It is just a medium storm at first so you have the option of riding it out and you aren't really sure if it is going to hit NoLa or not. These things are unpredictable... That is where Novel H1N1 is right now. It is coming and the nervousness you are sensing from everyone else is just in preparation. This storm could climb to a category 5 and could hit us head on. Please don't dismiss it.
Federal authorities plan to launch a massive campaign in the coming weeks to convince Americans to get the swine flu vaccine and to erase any public skepticism about the flu's danger and the safety of immunizations.
This video is the best introduction to the current state of things. It is a production from Nova in their series Nova Science Now (the best tv show on earth). This was from 2006 when Avian Flu was a threat and everyone was scared. The whole segment is about the 1918 H1N1 Pandemic though. They are talking about a strain of the same virus and explain what happened then, and more importantly they discus the physiology of viruses. It also has the best description of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase I have ever seen. I wish I had seen it before I took virology.... So you have all that information at your finger tips now. You'll also learn about how it is spread and what the symptoms are.
It is separated into 2 parts, the second part starts off with excellent animation describing the importance of the "H" and "N"s. Keep in mind when you are watching this that the 1918 flu pandemic they are talking about was a similar Influenza A strain. They just keep referring to it as the 1918 flu.
I know a lot of people are paranoid about the vaccine due to mercury and other preservatives but I'm going to let you come to your own conclusions. I will tell you that scientists are questioning whether or not older generations really need it. They think it might be possible that immunity may have already been instilled in people from the Russian Flu (1946-1957) and then again from the late 70's with the H1N1 outbreak. Even if you didn't get sick, you may have had the vaccine to these flus which were similar Influenza A strains. Read more here.
One thing I don't like about the vaccine is the fact that it isn't going through a proper trial phase. I know there is no time, but by the time they find out if there are severe or even lethal side effects, thousands of people will already have had the shot. Another thing with the vaccine that you can't really count on, is by the time you get it, the sample they produced the vaccine with may not even be helpful in protecting you anymore. There is a real possibility that by the time it hits here badly, it may have mutated. Rendering the vaccine useless against this specific threat. Mutations are what make dealing with viruses in general so hard for medicine. -- A quick side-note, there is hope that causing HIV to hyper-mutate that it may destroy itself. That is being studied right now and if it is successful, it will have applications with every virus that ails us.
You should also know that the current strain of Influenza A, Novel H1N1, is resistant to a lot of stuff, which is one of the reasons why it is particularly dangerous. For example the CDC is stating that 13% of cases are Tamiflu resistant, which is a considerable change from the normal 1% resistance seen in Influenza A in the past. More here. It has been circulating more in the southern hemisphere from what I've been told, since it is winter there now. Which is where a lot of case studies will likely be coming from. Thankfully we have this time advantage and we aren't going to be as ignorant as they are now.
To address the skepticism that this is fear mongering and the media getting everyone freaked out, I will try to counter it with pointing out that this is a story that has been driven by the CDC and WHO. Every other scare tactic used against us has been originated and driven by the media. This information is coming directly from liberal people who are basing their claims in fact. Even when they address the issue of predicting the spread, they are getting the information from people like Nate Silver. More here and here.
One last thing. The FDA and FTC have issued a statement about fraudulent products from slimy people trying to take advantage of the situation. My guess is there are going to be lots and lots of scams playing on peoples' fear over this flu season. The FTC is ready to investigate and prosecute these people as they bubble to the surface. Press release here.
There seemed to be a lot more information I wanted to get across, but I can't seem to get this post right. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments and I will try to answer. Magnolia is a registered nurse so she might know the answers too.
Please see your doctor to discuss whether or not you should get the vaccine. Just don't walk in there ignorant. Remember it is completely possible for this to miss us. Just like it was possible for Katrina to swing a louis and head to Texas. I hope this is helpful, and didn't just scare anyone.
Thank to Rita for helping me out.
Good times aren't here again
I wonder if any of these folks participated in the survey.....Shoppers put school supplies on layaway
If we can't even buy outright the cheap Chinese goods we love sooooo much there must be some serious sh*t going down. Hang on.
Sweet and Sour
This woman is a decent person, you can tell. My problems with what happened were that this is proof of the control that media has on our population. It is also proof that the Democrats don't know how to negotiate. She has NEVER heard of single-payer? Ever? She reads the bullet points like it is some kind conspiracy that she just learned about. How can the country be having a national debate about health care and people have not even heard of this other strategy at all? It is an entire option this woman was not presented with.
The part that gives me hope is, she can be gotten to. She was sincere. She even asked how the bill was supposed to be financed, but like any good politician McCain just avoided the numbers completely. Another lining to this cloud is that she was informed by protestors. So that obviously does have an effect. I find it very uplifting that some of these right wingers might be having their minds open up a little bit and at least research what we are fighting them for.
She cited the 3% payroll tax. I hope a progressive walked up to her afterwards and asked her what percentage health care was taking out of her paycheck right now. That is all people like this woman need. Personalize those giant numbers and then their sky starts falling. This is what the DNC should be focussing on. Don't fight the RNC. Ignore them. Try to educate their followers. Actually fuck the DNC. Progressives need to start doing this. The Ron Paul supporters share a lot of common ground with progressives. We could build our own party.
New Eyeless Species Discovered
This article is about a new species discovered by researchers/divers living in an underwater lava tube. Article at http://www.livescience.com/animals/090825-lava-tube-species.html
American Hero

Cindy Sheehan is a patriot and I've looked up to her for years. I am so happy she is coming out against Obama now. If you don't know who she is, she is the mother of a fallen soldier who has personally taken on Bush, Pelosi, and Fox News among others. She is just a mom on a mission. Several people I know or care about have little theme songs that play in my head when I think about them. I think of San Franciscan Nights by The Animals for her.
Sheehan, who has toured the country in protest since her son, Casey, was killed fighting in Iraq in 2004, will host a gathering starting tomorrow near Blue Heron Farm, where the Obamas are spending the week.
San Franciscan Nights - Eric Burdon & The Animals
I'm trying to find out the best way to include supplemental media in my posts. Is this something anyone will even click?
Favorite Government Info and Other Sites
Government Info and Progressive Site Links
www.goodsearch.com ß----- an alternate search engine that allows you to designate a certain amount per click (searches only, not images) to a charitable organization
http://margaretandhelen.wordpress.com/ ß--- very good blog Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter posts especially hilarious
http://www.goodnightbush.com/librarium/ ß---- very funny take on the Bush Library
http://www.americanprogress.org/ ß---- affiliated with Think Progress
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/index.html <----- National Security Archive website
http://sparklepony.blogspot.com/ ß----- hilarious blog
http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/ ß----- a wealth of information on US Foreign Policy, Covert Operations, amongst others (check the site map for links)
Soliciting Input
I'm becoming very fed up with it.
Here's what I'm thinking about doing. I have some money left in my trust to finance my living for about a year yet. I also have VA educational benefits available. The medical health occupations field should be fairly stable (people need health care, that generates health records, patients going to doctors, clinics, hospitals, blah, blah, blah. There is a one-year Administrative Medical Assistant course I can attend at a local vocational school. I would get a certficate in medical reception, scheduling, medical records, medical billing, and transcription.
What think you? Solid? Good idea? Sucks? Don't do it? I will appreciate input and suggestions from you guys.
Analyst Bove sees 150 - 200 more US bank failures
This article is disturbing not only for the number of banks potentially failing but also for this:
"The difficulty at the moment is finding enough healthy banks to buy the failing banks," Bove wrote.
My fear is we are not being told the depth of the problem by those in charge. I'm tired of hearing after the fact "we should have known", "no one foresaw this coming", "looking back...".
If you watch the Frontline show linked in my previous post (I thought everything was fine part 2) you will be shocked at what was said in public vs. what was being said behind closed doors.
As I said before I am not educated (beyond some college). Just an average person who is tired of being told not to believe my eyes.
Christian the Lion
Here are some additional links to information/links about this amazing story:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_dWzF-vSXQ ß Part I Interview
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec-zUnMPp2s&feature=related <- Part 2 Interview
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuUagADuK9o&feature=related <- Part 3 Interview
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvCjyWp3rEk&NR=1 <- Christian the Lion Documentary End
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU6AjvibF50 <- The Reunion
http://www.vetlocator.com/newsarticles/christian_the_lion.php <-British paper article
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvNlwpK5i44 <- The Final Farewell
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QubDayYZ4wI&feature=related (Part 1 of 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNFJ1qKXaTE&feature=related (Part 1 of 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_dWzF-vSXQ&feature=related (Part 1 of 2)
Justice Department Looks into Prosecutions.

Eric Holder has basically recommended prosecution for the detainee abuse cases that George Bush closed. It doesn't directly call for investigation, but we all know what it says when you open those files.
David Johnston over at New York Times has it:
"WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s ethics office has recommended reversing the Bush administration and reopening nearly a dozen prisoner-abuse cases, potentially exposing Central Intelligence Agency employees and contractors to prosecution for brutal treatment of terrorism suspects, according to a person officially briefed on the matter."
If this all materializes, is it an attempt to do the right thing OR is it an attempt to repair the DNC image? The Democratic brand has been dragged through the mud after being dropped down the ugly tree and hitting every branch recently. The election is coming up after all. This story is told thru the perspective of progressives over the past few weeks.
Murphy's Law

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) -- A large wave fueled by Hurricane Bill swept a group of surf-watchers into the sea at a Maine park Sunday, including a 7-year-old girl who died after the Coast Guard pulled her from the churning waters.
Howard Dean on the Public Option
Is he saying that if this bill passes and you need insurance that the subsidy will pay for it, and you can apply the government money to either the public plan or private insurance? I was under the impression that you had to be a subscriber to benefit, but from what he is saying, it sounds like if you need it, you will get it when you are in the hospital regardless if you have already subscribed?
I just wouldn't subscribe and then if I went to the hospital that would start my subscription. Then, when I was done with treatment quit paying again... And why the hell would someone want to just give that money to a private provider, for them to tell you that an MRI isn't necessary? Wouldn't the government HAVE to cover it? It seems extremely idiotic for someone to want to give free money to a company they don't need.... If I understand it right above, then who in their right mind would pay an insurance company for a premium at all? THAT would completely kill private insurance as an industry.
Breaking News

Senator R.C. Soles (Democrat) from North Carolina shot one of two burglars in his home tonight at 5pm EST, Sunday. The buglar is in the hospital and has not died.
I wonder if these were birthers or deathers and if that is why they broke into a Democratic Senator's home. That would probably shake up the news this week. Also, it will probably help the democrats look tough if we talk about gun control. My guess is that this government (before the next election) is way too conservative to touch the issue.
His local newspaper's story is here.
Personal/About the Blog/Open Thread
I wanted to share 2 songs with you guys. I don't know how to embed audio so it will have to be YouTubed. They are like light rock, but the lyrics and performance is amazing. The band is called Imogen Heap. It is only one girl who also puts stuff out under the name Frou Frou. She is a musician's musician and a ton of her stuff is featured in soundtracks to films, tv, and commercials. So you may recognize her. The only things I can think of off hand is a song she did for Shrek. She redid Holding Out for a Hero, and it was amazing.
About the blog, I am very pleased with what is happening. I'm sure other people will contribute over time, but the more we personally grow with it, the better it will get. We had great posts this week. Then I muddied it up with the videos. I won't do that again unless I have the correct code to put the rest beyond the fold. If you ever come across that code, please shoot me an email. I feel guilty enough for posting these two videos, but they are well worth it. I tend to drift away from politics on the weekends. I'm sorry if that may have rubbed you the wrong way. I just wanted to share those videos with you guys and really, we need a break from politics every once and a while.
As for me, I am working on writing a substantial post on Swine Flu. You may have seen the draft sitting in our account. I've been working on obtainting a video which describes how viruses work (the H's and N's), comparing now with what happened with the last swine flu outbreak, a little avian flu, and the events of 1918. I am also concerned about the politics of the situation and will discus Tamiflu. I want everyone to be as informed as possible before it is time to consider the vaccine. In a perfect world I'd like to run my post by Rita (since she is an RN) before posting it. What do you think, honey? --Is that sexist by the way? I say hun a lot too. I don't have a sexist bone in my body, so please don't take offense at all. I'm just gay. --
What is going on with everyone? Please listen to these songs all the way thru. I almost guarantee you will LOVE them. You will at least love Hide and Seek, no question.
Ok, there is annoying screaming as an intro to this next song. Skip to 12 seconds and beauty will ensue.
I don't want to post another video. If you want to see Hide and Seek performed live click here.
I thought everything was fine part 2
My bitch with Bernanke and the Federal Reserve is their complete failure in sending alarms sooner that things were not going well. In March 2007 Dr. Bernanke told a Congressional hearing that the US economy would experince "moderate growth". Going back in time, Alan Greenspan, the former head of the Federal Reserve now admits "he had also been wrong in rejecting fears that the five-year housing boom was turning into an unsustainable speculative bubble that could harm the economy when it burst. Greenspan maintained during that period that home prices were unlikely to post a significant decline nationally because housing was a local market."
Less than two years later "on Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008, the astonished leadership of the U.S. Congress was told in a private session by the chairman of the Federal Reserve that the American economy was in grave danger of a complete meltdown within a matter of days. "There was literally a pause in that room where the oxygen left," says Senator Christopher Dodd." Frontline did a story on this that is a must see.
This makes Bernanke either incompetent or a liar. Why wait until the meltdown was a matter of days away? And now Bernanke tells us the recession is over. What is interesting about this speech is his description of panic and confidence. We can't trust these guys. How are we supposed to have confidence? We are being told not to trust our own eyes. With the continuing failure of banks (see previous post) to the continued job losses.
Choose to listen to Bernanke at your own peril.