Analyst Bove sees 150 - 200 more US bank failures

For everyones benefit let me start by saying I am not schooled in economics beyond my own interest in reading about it and trying to figure things out for myself. (Joseph I have half ass responded to your comment on my last post...)

This article is disturbing not only for the number of banks potentially failing but also for this:

"The difficulty at the moment is finding enough healthy banks to buy the failing banks," Bove wrote.

My fear is we are not being told the depth of the problem by those in charge. I'm tired of hearing after the fact "we should have known", "no one foresaw this coming", "looking back...".
If you watch the Frontline show linked in my previous post (I thought everything was fine part 2) you will be shocked at what was said in public vs. what was being said behind closed doors.

As I said before I am not educated (beyond some college). Just an average person who is tired of being told not to believe my eyes.

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