Decriminalize Already

I heard the other day about Mexico decriminalizing small amounts of drugs and silently cheered ( I was at work) but did you know it’s not just Mexico

From Argentina

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina's Supreme Court decriminalized the small-scale use of marijuana on Tuesday, opening the way for a shift in the country's drug-fighting policies to focus on traffickers instead of users.

"Each adult is free to make lifestyle decisions without the intervention of the state," the court's ruling said.

Latin America has had to deal with the US drug policy for a long time. They have paid for it with consequences we in the US can’t imagine…Not only are they starting to have a more sane policy, more leaders are speaking out. Here is an interesting article from February 2009..

“It’s not the first time that it occurred to someone that marijuana consumption ought to be decriminalized. But it is historic that three political heavyweights in Latin America who have each had to fight drugs from a position of power criticize the U.S. policy against drugs. That is what happened last week when a document signed by former presidents of Brazil, Fernando Cardoso; Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo and from Colombia, César Gaviria and a dozen more intellectuals and experts was released.”

Good for Latin America. It is time to stand up against the US’s insane drug policies. Argentina’s Supreme Court sounds more humane than ours has in a long time. In my opinion if we had taken a different attitude and treated it as a public health issue meth would not have appeared. Thanks Ronnie for the war on drugs. Sorry you couldn’t have lived to see what an utter failure you unleashed.

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