Soliciting Input

Some of you may know I've been seeking employment for about six months now. It is a very depressing and frustrating process. Most employers now list positions on internet job boards and ask you fill out an application "on line" which I have done. You hit "send" and have no idea what really happens to it after that. The majority of them don't even the decency or courtesy to send an auto-reply to the effect of "We have received your application. We have reviewed it and blah, blah, blah."

I'm becoming very fed up with it.

Here's what I'm thinking about doing. I have some money left in my trust to finance my living for about a year yet. I also have VA educational benefits available. The medical health occupations field should be fairly stable (people need health care, that generates health records, patients going to doctors, clinics, hospitals, blah, blah, blah. There is a one-year Administrative Medical Assistant course I can attend at a local vocational school. I would get a certficate in medical reception, scheduling, medical records, medical billing, and transcription.

What think you? Solid? Good idea? Sucks? Don't do it? I will appreciate input and suggestions from you guys.
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