Its been even extra hard getting on the interwebs lately. Look what I just found: Hulu has every episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents streaming for free!
Women Scorned
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on 11 September 2009
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"The man's wife and two of his girlfriends hatched a plot to lure him to a Stockbridge motel on July 30 and confront him after learning that he was having "sexual relations" with all of them, a criminal complaint states."
So they tied him to a bed, slapped him and super glued his penis to his stomach.
Sounds reasonable to me.
Baby Panda
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on 10 September 2009
Baby Panda,
San Diego Zoo
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The San Diego Zoo's baby panda just turned a month old a week ago today. He had his second physical exam today. Here's a link to the first and second exams:
First exam:
Second exam:
First exam:
Second exam:
Civilsations: Why They Fail
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Cosmos Magazine,
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This is an excellent article from an ezine I receive by the name of "Cosmos." It is a general focus about all forms of science.
This issue features a very interesting article about Civilisations and Why They Fail. This is the first time I have seen validated a position I have held for years: that if we don't good care of and nurture our earth and its natural resources we are doomed to extinction ourselves. I have frequently said that if we can't find the wherewithal to save a few thousand of an endangered species we are doomed to extinction ourselves.
This is an excellent article and I hope you will find something of interest in it to you personally.
This issue features a very interesting article about Civilisations and Why They Fail. This is the first time I have seen validated a position I have held for years: that if we don't good care of and nurture our earth and its natural resources we are doomed to extinction ourselves. I have frequently said that if we can't find the wherewithal to save a few thousand of an endangered species we are doomed to extinction ourselves.
This is an excellent article and I hope you will find something of interest in it to you personally.
Omega Centauri
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NASA Image of the Day,
Omega Centauri
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Today's NASA Image of the Day (to screen right) is that of Omega Centauri. This is but one of the new images provided by the newly refurbished Hubble Space Telescope. Imagine this -- this light has taken millions, perhaps billions of light years to travel to the point that we can "see" it.
It always amazes me how we can look at the night sky and see but a smattering of light from stars that are closest to us. Yet, when we stop to think about the sheer distances involved, they are still light years from us. Just a rough translation of the "light year" involved times the distance light can travel in one year (or what is also called an "astronomical unit") means our Universe is larger than we can possibly comprehend in our finite minds.
The next time you gaze at the night sky keep that in mind -- it puts life, and our concept of it into an amazing perspective that is difficult to fathom.
It always amazes me how we can look at the night sky and see but a smattering of light from stars that are closest to us. Yet, when we stop to think about the sheer distances involved, they are still light years from us. Just a rough translation of the "light year" involved times the distance light can travel in one year (or what is also called an "astronomical unit") means our Universe is larger than we can possibly comprehend in our finite minds.
The next time you gaze at the night sky keep that in mind -- it puts life, and our concept of it into an amazing perspective that is difficult to fathom.
Obama Speech
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Health Care Reform,
President Obama
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How many of you watched Obama's speech last night? What are your thoughts about the substance of the speech itself? What are your thoughts about the conduct of the Republican side of the chamber?
New Space Pictures
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on 09 September 2009
New Images,
Outer Space
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The Hubble telescope was recently fixed. Some of its instruments hadn't been working properly. NASA has released new photos that show extraordinary images.
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I am having major issues with my main computer, my back up laptop seems to be having issues as well that I cannot even define. It just took me 20 minutes to log on to blogger. It will likely take a few days to get back to 100%. I will still try to make posts and read the ones y'all make.
I just wanted to let everyone know why I'll likely be MIA for a few days.... Maybe even a week. If your suggestion is to use the library, school, or my parents computers, I REFUSE to use a Microsoft operating system. Simple as that. :-)
I just wanted to let everyone know why I'll likely be MIA for a few days.... Maybe even a week. If your suggestion is to use the library, school, or my parents computers, I REFUSE to use a Microsoft operating system. Simple as that. :-)
Key to City of Bellingham Offered to Jon Stewart
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In a similar, but much more reasonable, publicity ploy Bellingham Washington Mayor Dan Pike has offered the key to his city to Daily Show host Jon Stewart.
What a great smack down to Mt. Vernon if Jon does come....
Be sure to check out the comments at the end of both stories for further laughs.
Update: The Mayors letter to Stewart.
We Are Number One!!
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on 08 September 2009
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Here is Amy Goodman from Democracy Now
I guess this is part two of my post yesterday about the “Army Strong” sheet sets. I saw this story on Democracy Now that we are expanding our arms selling. I have heard about the “military industrial complex” but have never given it much thought beyond the middle east occupations until I saw the sheet set which are incidentally made in …..CHINA. We make arms but not sheets. To quote Indigo we are “living in a nation at war with itself as well with others”.
Here in my county there have been issues with military recruiters being at the high schools, college, and even at our county fair.
What gets me is we give Israel aid and they turn around and buy arms from us. To me our own government is funneling taxpayer money to arms manufactures. The action I am going to take is to let Fred Meyer know how upset I am about the Army Strong merchandise.
Here is a link to our great local peace group that I am proud to support
"Lost World" Discovered in Papua New Guinea
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"Lost World",
Papua New Guinea
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Yet another amazing discovery from the world of nature at large. A new "lost world" that has existed for over 200,000 years has been discovered inside the crater of a volcano in Papua New Guinea. Scientists discovered mammals, insects, and birds never known to exist. No wonder our fascination with the world of Nature will never cease to surprise us.
If pot were 100% Legal
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Would you use it? I have a feeling everyone on here has. I'm just curious how high/lowly you think of it. I think it is a gift from God and actually think everyone should smoke at least 3 times a week. For various reasons. It would just be great to see where everyone stands. I'm pretty sure everyone has made it known they are an advocate which is great, but there is a fine difference. It's important for me to state that I don't think this because I use it, or my experience. Unbiasedly I think it should be as normal as drinking soda. Just under different circumstances. No one beneath college-age either.
Also as a response to Lisa, I think random drug tests should be illegal. There are certain exceptions I could be swayed on though.
Why Pot Prohibition is Bad
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on 07 September 2009
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I wish I had busted out my camera, but these thoughts never cross your mind in the moment. Like I've said on here before I live on a forrest that is owned by different people, property lines are weird. Anyways my next door neighbors kid and her friend went walking around and one girl fell on a piece of wood with a bunch of rusty nails sticking straight up. It was covered with wood. When my family friend (her mother) went back to investigate after she left the hospital she found about fifty 12-foot cannabis plants after a bunch of hidden pieces of wood, and just beyond that a bunch of razor wire. The little girl is ok, she got a tetanus shot and was given intravenous antibiotics. They are actually keeping her to make sure she doesn't develop an infection. She is about 9.
Kim (my family friend and next door neighbor) who is the nicest person you could ever meet. I mean she should be a preschool teacher was out side her Mcmansion screaming and flailing and now the whole neighborhood is over there and about 12 county cops carry a bunch of garbage bags and pieces of wood. It is really really sad. The perpetrators just happen to be neighborhood outcasts, but I can pretty much guarantee that if they don't all go to prison they will be run out of the neighborhood. I have this fucked up feeling of hatred inside of me right now. I've NEVER felt this way. Ever.
The thing is, no one in my neighborhood would have cared at all if they knew the shit was growing back there. Not at all. I'll go ahead and be honest I've thought about doing it myself. The thing that stopped me were the kids and their golfkarts.
My point about this whole thing is that the government is ultimately responsible. If it were legalized they wouldn't have felt the need to protect their shit at such measure. Granted they are horrible. They should have built a fence or a greenhouse. If you are growing that much you are making enough to afford a greenhouse. I have extreme mixed emotions right now. The cops are gone and I know there is probably a couple hundred pounds of pot out there and I'm about to loose 90 dollars in a little bit and gain just a tiny bit. I am so tempted to take my parents kart, find it, cut down a plant and bring it home. I'm pretty sure all the neighbors were taken away (the bad neighbors).
Can you believe a little girl got hurt like that? Can you believe someone did that in a neighborhood where kids are on golf karts, dirt bikes, They aren't even teenagers. There are about 15 preteens here. It fucking disgusts me. I hope these guys get ass-raped and their "slot b" literally rips to shreds, and then get gangrene. It is fucking outrageous.
Am I Overreacting?
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The invasion of Iraq has made me feel like I am supersensitive about the military and war being pushed on us. So when I went into Fred Meyers yesterday I was in absolute shock when I saw this. Officially licensed "Army Strong" sheet sets for children. This is the best picuture I could find of the product. The words and star are much more apparent when seen up close. Is is just me or is this disturbing?
Milky Way Galaxy
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This is an interesting article about our Milky Way Galaxy being hit by mini-galaxies that are orbiting around it. Very interesting.
Questions for Yous Guys
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I thought that I'd throw a little accent in there with the "yous guys." As many of you know I've moved in to my parents and I've spent about 3 grand so far making a suitable room for me. I'm used to a high standard of living... Leave me alone, I feel guilty enough as it is. Anyways, I am preparing for a garden next year, a field of wild flowers, and my parents are the biggest waste producers you have ever met. I am starting a binder full of print outs (not green I know) of different things we can do to become more green. I just spent 400 dollars on fucking CFL light bulbs last night, which my mom bitched about. She is afraid my dog will get mercury poisoning. This is what I'm dealing with guys. They are staying or I go, and they loose the house. End of discussion.
My question to you all, since I know Lisa and Kerry (what is your real name hun?) are environmentally aware. I will have specific questions regarding the wildlife here and maybe I'll go into detail with what is around here. I want to know some basic tips you may have though. When my room is done I should have a bunch of left over 2x4s and 2x8s, and I'm going to build a recycling center here, buy a can crusher, and try to get them off bottled water. I strictly use a britta filter and a stainless steel water bottle (I'm petrified of BPA). Can you help figure out how many bins I need? Paper, Plastic (does that need more than one?), Glass, what else? What can't be recycled? Like I think detergent can't be. Also, and this is a big question, anyone have compost piles? I really would like to start one for the garden. I just don't know anything or where to put it. Our property is basically the movie Bambi with an extra shit ton of raccoons. We have a forrest and a super mega massive natural pond nearby. I don't know how to keep them out.
Please be thorough if you can. I would really really really appreciate the help. I am going to do research too, but learning from your friends mistakes is always the best way to learn. So I'd like to start there. Any tips on how to get my parents into it would be great too. My mom is one of those people who will not accept change. Remember the lightbulb story. I will have to sell her like crazy. I just want to start doing some good in this world. When I get past the planning and actually building and practicing, I will keep a photo diary on here. I only have a shitty iPhone, but you'll be able to get the idea.
Unrelated: Farmer's Almanac said we are going to have a fucking freezing winter with mega loads of snow. So if that can be used somehow to green stuff let me know. I know since I started typing this, I am now going to save the saw dust for salt. You can do that right?
I'm also treating video right now that I will then have to upload just for you guys. It is about a company that has built a carbon filter for the air. Their theory is that one day we will have carbon filter farms like the pinwheels outside Palm Springs. You should enjoy it. It is high quality and from Nova Science Now (The Greatest Show on Television).
On a scale of practical to extravegantly expensive, lets keep the top side around moderate please. Unless you know how to grow a money tree. Also ways to make income off of it would be great too. I am also planning a garden, and I want to know what kind of stuff you can grow and can into different stuff that will save money throughout the year. I'm also trying coupons, but that will be another post. I have things I've found I'd like to share with you about coupons later.
Thank you, and please spend some time thinking about this. I really really want to do my part and my parents part in helping save the planet, or at least becoming the model green family in the neighborhood. We are really close with all 10 houses in neighborhood, so they may be able to help or give us stuff to recycle as well. I'm just begging for ideas guys.
Look forward for the video on Carbon Filter Farms later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks yous guys.
Ignore This Please
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on 06 September 2009
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This is going to get deleted before tomorrow! I'm using this as a personal sticky note. Sorry all.
My mom's printer and microsoft word aren't working and her printer will not work with mine right now. So I need to paste this, turn it red, and print it out. If you like the recipe you can find it at this web page with comments and ratings from people who've made it.
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Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 (183g)
Recipe makes 12 servings
The following items or measurements are not included below:
3 peppercorns
Calories 451
Calories from Fat 248 (54%)
Amount Per Serving %DV
Total Fat 27.6g 42%
Saturated Fat 10.9g 54%
Monounsaturated Fat 11.8g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.3g
Trans Fat 0.0g
Cholesterol 91mg 30%
Sodium 1030mg 42%
Potassium 478mg 13%
Total Carbohydrate 20.1g 6%
Dietary Fiber 1.4g 5%
Sugars 0.4g
Protein 29.0g 57%
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French Dip Roast Beef for the Crock Pot
Recipe #103403 | 7¼ hours | 10 min prep | add private note
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By: The Big Cheese
Nov 4, 2004
This is one of the best recipes I've come up with for beef roast. The cheapest cuts come out tasting like you slaved over a stove all day long. You can add potatoes and carrots to the recipe if you like, or shred it and serve it as a French Dip sandwich with the au jus juice from the crock pot on the side. If you are watching your sodium, use the lite soy sauce and it will taste just as delicious.
SERVES 12 (change servings and units)
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1 2 3 4 5 clear stars
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3 1/2-4 lbs boneless chuck roast
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 beef bouillon cube
1 bay leaf
3-4 peppercorns
1 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon garlic powder
12 French rolls, split
1Place roast in a 5-quart slow cooker.
2Combine soy sauce and next 6 ingredients.
3Pour over roast.
4Add water to slow cooker until roast is almost covered.
5Cook, covered, on LOW for 7 hours or until very tender.
6Remove roast, reserving broth.
7You may shred roast with a fork and serve on sandwich rolls with the broth on the side for dipping.
I urge you to read the comments if you try this. There is an issue with the fat, and plenty of suggestions on how to get rid of it. There are also suggestions like removing rosemary and adding this vegetable or that spice. If you are a foodie you should check this place out. I love that it has user generated ratings and comments, cuz then you can tell if it is bullshit ahead of time.
A general note to everyone... Don't let your black ink fucking run out. Especially when you run an accounting business out of your god-damned house. I would just use my bad assed, beautiful, expensive scanner/laser printer, but I can't find out what box I put the fucking power cord in.
My mom's printer and microsoft word aren't working and her printer will not work with mine right now. So I need to paste this, turn it red, and print it out. If you like the recipe you can find it at this web page with comments and ratings from people who've made it.
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Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 (183g)
Recipe makes 12 servings
The following items or measurements are not included below:
3 peppercorns
Calories 451
Calories from Fat 248 (54%)
Amount Per Serving %DV
Total Fat 27.6g 42%
Saturated Fat 10.9g 54%
Monounsaturated Fat 11.8g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.3g
Trans Fat 0.0g
Cholesterol 91mg 30%
Sodium 1030mg 42%
Potassium 478mg 13%
Total Carbohydrate 20.1g 6%
Dietary Fiber 1.4g 5%
Sugars 0.4g
Protein 29.0g 57%
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how is this calculated?
French Dip Roast Beef for the Crock Pot
Recipe #103403 | 7¼ hours | 10 min prep | add private note
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By: The Big Cheese
Nov 4, 2004
This is one of the best recipes I've come up with for beef roast. The cheapest cuts come out tasting like you slaved over a stove all day long. You can add potatoes and carrots to the recipe if you like, or shred it and serve it as a French Dip sandwich with the au jus juice from the crock pot on the side. If you are watching your sodium, use the lite soy sauce and it will taste just as delicious.
SERVES 12 (change servings and units)
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1 2 3 4 5 clear stars
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3 1/2-4 lbs boneless chuck roast
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 beef bouillon cube
1 bay leaf
3-4 peppercorns
1 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon garlic powder
12 French rolls, split
1Place roast in a 5-quart slow cooker.
2Combine soy sauce and next 6 ingredients.
3Pour over roast.
4Add water to slow cooker until roast is almost covered.
5Cook, covered, on LOW for 7 hours or until very tender.
6Remove roast, reserving broth.
7You may shred roast with a fork and serve on sandwich rolls with the broth on the side for dipping.
I urge you to read the comments if you try this. There is an issue with the fat, and plenty of suggestions on how to get rid of it. There are also suggestions like removing rosemary and adding this vegetable or that spice. If you are a foodie you should check this place out. I love that it has user generated ratings and comments, cuz then you can tell if it is bullshit ahead of time.
A general note to everyone... Don't let your black ink fucking run out. Especially when you run an accounting business out of your god-damned house. I would just use my bad assed, beautiful, expensive scanner/laser printer, but I can't find out what box I put the fucking power cord in.