I wish I had busted out my camera, but these thoughts never cross your mind in the moment. Like I've said on here before I live on a forrest that is owned by different people, property lines are weird. Anyways my next door neighbors kid and her friend went walking around and one girl fell on a piece of wood with a bunch of rusty nails sticking straight up. It was covered with wood. When my family friend (her mother) went back to investigate after she left the hospital she found about fifty 12-foot cannabis plants after a bunch of hidden pieces of wood, and just beyond that a bunch of razor wire. The little girl is ok, she got a tetanus shot and was given intravenous antibiotics. They are actually keeping her to make sure she doesn't develop an infection. She is about 9.
Kim (my family friend and next door neighbor) who is the nicest person you could ever meet. I mean she should be a preschool teacher was out side her Mcmansion screaming and flailing and now the whole neighborhood is over there and about 12 county cops carry a bunch of garbage bags and pieces of wood. It is really really sad. The perpetrators just happen to be neighborhood outcasts, but I can pretty much guarantee that if they don't all go to prison they will be run out of the neighborhood. I have this fucked up feeling of hatred inside of me right now. I've NEVER felt this way. Ever.
The thing is, no one in my neighborhood would have cared at all if they knew the shit was growing back there. Not at all. I'll go ahead and be honest I've thought about doing it myself. The thing that stopped me were the kids and their golfkarts.
My point about this whole thing is that the government is ultimately responsible. If it were legalized they wouldn't have felt the need to protect their shit at such measure. Granted they are horrible. They should have built a fence or a greenhouse. If you are growing that much you are making enough to afford a greenhouse. I have extreme mixed emotions right now. The cops are gone and I know there is probably a couple hundred pounds of pot out there and I'm about to loose 90 dollars in a little bit and gain just a tiny bit. I am so tempted to take my parents kart, find it, cut down a plant and bring it home. I'm pretty sure all the neighbors were taken away (the bad neighbors).
Can you believe a little girl got hurt like that? Can you believe someone did that in a neighborhood where kids are on golf karts, dirt bikes, They aren't even teenagers. There are about 15 preteens here. It fucking disgusts me. I hope these guys get ass-raped and their "slot b" literally rips to shreds, and then get gangrene. It is fucking outrageous.