Public Enemies
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I sat thru this piece of shit for like half the movie to see how they made crown point look. It is where my best friend lives and I go to drink. It looks exactly the same but with Johnny Depp and the movie is unbearable.
Not Having It
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This cat isn't even the slightest bit uncomfortable, is it?
Kangaroos In Trees?
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Have you guys ever heard of Tree Kangaroos? Well, they are out there and a researcher has fitted a couple with cameras to aid in the study of them. The crazy part of this video is watching the kangaroos drop from the trees AND SURVIVE.
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25 pictures of unlikely animal friendships. Most of these are pretty cute. A couple are x rated and one, I think, is right before the kill...
Underwater Volcanic Eruption Filmed
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on 18 December 2009
Underwater Eruption,
University of Washington,
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From the University of Washington - footage of an active underwater volcanic eruption in progress. In the Pacific Ocean near Samoa, Fiji, and Tonga. Fascinating to watch, 4,000 feet under water:
Keith Olbermann Special Comment Health Care Reform
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on 16 December 2009
Health Insurance Care Reform,
Keith Olbermann,
Special Comment
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Keith is doing a Special Comment on the bastardization of the Health Insurance Care Reform Bill tonight.
He was referring to either Max Baucus or Ben Nelson and their wanting to restrict the rights of women to have their insurance companies for abortion and actually said it was none of his "god damned business." I was really surprised. I'm sure the right wingers will have a hissy fit about that.
He was referring to either Max Baucus or Ben Nelson and their wanting to restrict the rights of women to have their insurance companies for abortion and actually said it was none of his "god damned business." I was really surprised. I'm sure the right wingers will have a hissy fit about that.
Notes on Chicago
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This is more or less for me to take notes on the PBS documentary on Chicago I just got.
Feel Good Story
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The belief is there and he's raring to go but Sisso the injured swift will have to wait just a little longer before he becomes truly airborne.
For being strapped in a special harness which is suspended from the ceiling by a length of string is as good as it gets.
Read the rest of the article here.
Someone died from Weed
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This story is disgusting. A guy get approached by cops, tries to swallow his weed, then starts to choke, then gets tased for choking and dies. Maybe we should rethink tasers and maybe we should rethink arresting people for plants. I think he is a gay porn star too actually. Here is the video.
Just after 2AM Friday deputies responded to a disturbance call at the Executive Inn on front beach road. They say Grande pushed a female friend. A camera crew from Zoo Productions filmed what happened when deputies arrived. When one of the deputies tried to arrest him they say he resisted and stuffed something in his mouth. That's when at least one of the deputies shot him with a taser. They say he pulled the taser probes out of his body, that's when deputies noticed he was choking.
Deputies performed the Hiemlich maneuver but could not dislodge the item. By the time EMS arrived, he was unconscious. One of the paramedics pulled a large bag of marijuana from his throat. He was pronounced dead at Bay Medical Center. "It's a tragic situation for our officers, a tragic situation for this young man and his family. What started out to be a simple disturbance call, could have been handled by compliance by this individual, simply giving the officers the marijuana," explained Sheriff Frank McKeithen.
Oh, Canada Part II
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If you are planning to cross the US – Canadian border you better not be against anything Olympic. Canadian activist, Marla Renn, from the Olympic Resistance Network was detained and questioned for hours when attempting to cross into the US on the way to Portland, OR to speak at an anti Olympic event. Eventually, she was put on a bus back to Vancouver.
"They asked very pointed questions about my anti-Olympic activities, how I knew anyone in Portland and whether I had been planning to recruit people there to the anti-Olympic cause. I also saw them going through my cell phone and writing down the phone numbers they found."
Groups are protesting various aspects of the consequences of hosting the Olympics. Laws have been passed making it illegal to sleep outside and beg for money in Vancouver thus criminalizing the poor. The public debt will increase by approximately 6 million dollars that could have been better spent on housing, health care and social services. The increase in tourists will bring increases in prostitution and trafficking of women. Most of the murdered and missing women from the area are reportedly involved in the sex trade and those numbers are expected to increase. Olympics are used as a means of increasing corporate investment and the incentives, by way of tax cuts, to increase resource exploration will result in greater corporate power and influence.
When reading about Amy Goodman’s detention I discovered just how far the Canadian government is going to stifle anything anti Olympic.
This is getting disturbing. I’m going to keep following this story and will post more as incidents happen. I thought Canada was better than this.
I only live approximately one hour away from Vancouver, British Columbia but you can be sure their Olympics is not getting one damned dime from me.
Octopus & Coconut Shells
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Coconut Shells,
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This is fascinating -- and once again, it comes from Mother Nature. In Australia scientists and researchers have found and filmed an octopus using coconut shells as tools to provide shelter. This is going viral undoubtedly.
Shagged By A Rare Parrot
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on 14 December 2009
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This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. If you haven't seen it it's totally worth less than three minutes of your time....nature is crazy....
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RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec 11 (IPS) - "Because of its effect on the environment, cattle must be given the same priority in global agendas as nuclear weapons, wars and, in particular, climate change, says Brazilian activist João Meirelles Filho, author of two books on Amazon deforestation."
The most shocking part of this article is that the cattle that exist in the world consume more food than people. This seems like a relatively easy thing to change. Do we need $1 hamburgers? Cheap beef? The environmental costs don’t seem worth it to me.
I’m not going to elaborate anymore than I already have. This is a sensitive issue to some people, I have found, and I don’t know your beef consumption. By posting this I am not judging anyone, I just want to inform people. My biggest concern is this planet and the life on it. All life on it.
Andrew Bird
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on 13 December 2009
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I thought I would share this with you early. Andrew Bird is a Chicago musician who is, and I say this without bias, the best working artist in the country of any medium. The day that tickets went on sale for Lalapalooza (is that just a Chicago festival?) the day he was scheduled sold out in under a minute. Be prepared because even the biggest hard asses you have ever met, tend to get teary at his shows. It seems like it would be easier to keep a straight face if you are aware of it before hand, because if you aren't aware of the level of his talent, it kind of overwhelms. So here are a couple of live performances. I don't even have a favorite.