Tonight I am finally moving stuff from my apartment into that room I was building. Its still not finished but it is livable. I just need a floor. Anyhow, I like to smoke before I do stuff like this because it is more entertaining and I could up with better ideas - for like arranging furniture. It is always good to smoke for project work. I took a picture of something that happened because of it. You've gotta take the good with the bad.
I'm on a break right now and I just wanted to share that picture and talk about a few things. 1st does anyone know if anything eventful happened at the vote last night? I know we got it, I just haven't had time to sit down with the paper yet (all this moving). Did Lieberman or Lincoln give us any trouble? What happens next? Does it just get sent to another committee to finalize the bill and send it off the president? I don't even like saying his name anymore.
I also wanted to share a bit of news about something I know quite a bit about. For a little backstory on me - In high school I was one of those kids that busted his ass. I was the pool manager for the school city and I managed a mom and pop restaurant while I was a Senior. I did that for two years living with my parents and saved like 20 grand. I was always interested in wall street and I studied up on strategies and learned the basics and used virtual accounts to play the market, for fun. I probably did that from like 16-20. When I had the money I decided to try it out for real. This is always how I made my money until last may. I worked at my State Senate and did a few retail jobs but I always did that for experience or to meet people. I'm only saying this to show you that this is kind of an experienced opinion because I've probably made about 70-90 thousand dollars over the course of 6 to 8 years. It sounds like a lie, because everything that has happened to me up until like 2 years ago had always been something big. But I promise you, that isn't a lot of money when you are living on it.
So what am I going to tell you, right? I read today that Tesla Motors could have a public offering any day. I don't know if you remember
this post, but it was about the Tesla Roadster and their new sedan model for average people. They started 6 years ago and I think it was just a couple of engineers that kinda just started it in a garage and now there cars are sought after by people like celebrities and wealthy collectors. I think they've only made 700 cars to date but that was because they are just a small company. Well the government gave them 500 million as stimulus and they've used the money well. They are going to go public and get a shit load of money coming in, because they are like the flagship green company in the states.
It's a great buy if you know anyone that has money they've been afraid to invest. With the release of this new car and then getting more factories, the company is going to blow up and start to become a real competitor with GM and Toyota. I really think the government is even going to help hype this company over time because it has major potential for exports, and we need exports. I know times are bad and that is why I wanted to share this. This stock will do amazing, despite the overall market. That will make it that much more successful actually. It will be the only real positive stock out there that is recession proof too. It is starting from a small company to grow in this market. They don't have debt yet and they can't be stuck with inventory bc they don't have any. Because this is also a political topic, I'm probably going to update the blog about this company and the industry as news develops.
One other thing too, I wanted to ask what we want to do with the blog. We've been doing it long enough now that we know how we behave towards it and we know each other well enough to know what we like. How should we be doing this? I think I'd like to bring more people in. If we did that, then I would leave off all the personal stuff. Can we get a conversation started on this?
Also kerry, can you send me an email at jradkins@gmail.com Thanks