I was out with a friend smoking and drinking coffee and I solved every single US problem. If we established a Dept of Science that was a part of the president's cabinet, like the State Department. The whole purpose would be to study stuff. For example, to compare other empire defeats in Afghanistan to our own, who has a seat in the war room and can advise the President accordingly. Where as the military is interested in doing what the president wants to do, the Department of Science would analyze historical stuff. They would also just run scenarios like Katrina, study crowd control, and have engineers doing research and development of green technology.
Has this ever been proposed? I seriously feel like a genius and slightly like Hitler. However, that could be one thing he did right. He just left the ethics out.
Nobel Prize
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on 09 October 2009
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The Obama Nobel Prize. I'm just curious what you think of it. I've literally gotten 4 calls this afternoon from pretty non-political people bitching to me, cuz they all know how hard I worked to get him elected. I went over to America Blog, but I don't think the news has really been digested yet. John pointed out the gay speech tomorrow. It seems like the event may be extremely charged if he denies helping gay people.
Has the Nobel Peace Prize ever been awarded to someone who is leading two wars and sending unmanned drones to drop missiles in yet another country? Their definition of peace seems to differ from mine.
Has the Nobel Peace Prize ever been awarded to someone who is leading two wars and sending unmanned drones to drop missiles in yet another country? Their definition of peace seems to differ from mine.
Health Care Reform - Olberman's Special Comment
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Health Care Reform,
Keith Olbermann,
Special Comment
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This is a copy and paste to link to both the transcript and video of Keith Olbermann's hour long Special Comment on Health Care Reform in America. Olbermann explains that his frequent absences from Countdown since August have been due to the hospitalization of his older father in August. Olbermann's mother died earlier this year.
I will post this as both a copy and paste:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33213245/ns/msnbc_tv-countdown_with_keith_olbermann and
I am excerpting that part of the Special Comments in which he explains the "Life Insurance on Employees by Employer" scam so you won't need to "search" for it (note: it's lengthy, but well worth the read to learn how this scam really works and the collusion of our Congress to enable it to happen and continue):
"I told my father the other night that the insurance I really want to get for him and me is called Corporate-Owned-Life-Insurance. "COLI" — like in E. Coli. How fitting. With or without your consent, your employer is permitted by law to take out life insurance on you. It can, in fact, take out life insurance on everybody who works for it. Who gets the money when you die? Your employer does.
"Dad pointed out that theoretically this would give them motivation to kill you. That, of course, would be for the same reason, as Michael Moore points out in his new movie "Capitalism: A Love Story," that you can't buy fire insurance on the house of the guy who lives next door to you. Golly gee, that's right, suddenly you'd have a motive to burn down his house and the world is already too much like that symbolically to make it like that in reality.
"No, it's really unlikely that even the most evil corporation would think of killing you to get a payout from the COLI insurance plan. This exists for a much more mundane and passive reason. You're going to die anyway, and the tax laws of this country are such that if your company has a hundred thousand employees, it can take out small whole-life policies on everybody and just let the actuarial tables do the work for it. Ten thousand dollars here, $20,000 there, maybe $50,000 back here and all of it tax-exempt.
"Oh and your employer can borrow the money to pay the premiums on the secret insurance it has on you. And the interest on that loan is tax-deductible. And your employer can, in essence, over-pay the premium it has on you and your fellow drones, and the extra money in the kitty is called "Cash Value," and it can be stuck into a pension-benefit plan or other product of the mad world of accounting. And "Cash Value" is also tax-deferred. It can be returned to your employer as a tax-free loan. And if your employer goes bankrupt, the Cash Value of those insurance policies is protected by the tax-laws - from creditors!
"In short, your employer can get a tax-deductible loan to buy insurance on you that until this past June he didn't even have to tell you about, and the money is first tax-deferred and then tax-free, and when you die, the payoff it gets is tax-exempt, and when the company dies, the boss still gets to keep the money away from the creditors even if somehow you, the guy on whom your boss has surreptitiously taken an insurance policy - happen to be one of the creditors.
"And even though it's based on insurance on your health and your life, all of that tax-free, tax-exempt, tax-deferred money not only doesn't go to you, it also doesn't go to the government. And so if we really are ever going to do anything about federally-supported health care as an alternative to these private insurers, there's that much less tax money to do it with.
And some of the money that isn't going to you, and isn't going to the government, is going to strengthen the already monolithic insurance companies!
"And just in case this isn't a sweet enough deal, the government is almost silent about telling that employer of yours about what kind of health insurance it must give you. And year after year, the companies get smarter and more audacious about either cutting what your health insurance covers, or cutting the number of employees the health insurance covers, or both.
And if that still isn't enough, there is something called the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. And it has a Political Action Committee, IFAPAC, and last year IFAPAC had one million, $492,000 worth of campaign money with which to buy politicians.
And you'd be amazed how many of them you can buy with even one million, $492,000.
"And these are the same people who are not only influencing the health care debate, spending more than a million dollars a day to defeat reform, they are also the same people, who by raising your premiums and cutting your reimbursements, who by manipulating prices at hospitals and doctor's offices for everything from tongue depressors to enemas, who by influencing health care in this country more effectively and more selfishly than a dictator could ever do these are the people who decide what kind of health care you get, how much you pay for it, and whether or not they'd rather not see you get it."
I will post this as both a copy and paste:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33213245/ns/msnbc_tv-countdown_with_keith_olbermann and
I am excerpting that part of the Special Comments in which he explains the "Life Insurance on Employees by Employer" scam so you won't need to "search" for it (note: it's lengthy, but well worth the read to learn how this scam really works and the collusion of our Congress to enable it to happen and continue):
"I told my father the other night that the insurance I really want to get for him and me is called Corporate-Owned-Life-Insurance. "COLI" — like in E. Coli. How fitting. With or without your consent, your employer is permitted by law to take out life insurance on you. It can, in fact, take out life insurance on everybody who works for it. Who gets the money when you die? Your employer does.
"Dad pointed out that theoretically this would give them motivation to kill you. That, of course, would be for the same reason, as Michael Moore points out in his new movie "Capitalism: A Love Story," that you can't buy fire insurance on the house of the guy who lives next door to you. Golly gee, that's right, suddenly you'd have a motive to burn down his house and the world is already too much like that symbolically to make it like that in reality.
"No, it's really unlikely that even the most evil corporation would think of killing you to get a payout from the COLI insurance plan. This exists for a much more mundane and passive reason. You're going to die anyway, and the tax laws of this country are such that if your company has a hundred thousand employees, it can take out small whole-life policies on everybody and just let the actuarial tables do the work for it. Ten thousand dollars here, $20,000 there, maybe $50,000 back here and all of it tax-exempt.
"Oh and your employer can borrow the money to pay the premiums on the secret insurance it has on you. And the interest on that loan is tax-deductible. And your employer can, in essence, over-pay the premium it has on you and your fellow drones, and the extra money in the kitty is called "Cash Value," and it can be stuck into a pension-benefit plan or other product of the mad world of accounting. And "Cash Value" is also tax-deferred. It can be returned to your employer as a tax-free loan. And if your employer goes bankrupt, the Cash Value of those insurance policies is protected by the tax-laws - from creditors!
"In short, your employer can get a tax-deductible loan to buy insurance on you that until this past June he didn't even have to tell you about, and the money is first tax-deferred and then tax-free, and when you die, the payoff it gets is tax-exempt, and when the company dies, the boss still gets to keep the money away from the creditors even if somehow you, the guy on whom your boss has surreptitiously taken an insurance policy - happen to be one of the creditors.
"And even though it's based on insurance on your health and your life, all of that tax-free, tax-exempt, tax-deferred money not only doesn't go to you, it also doesn't go to the government. And so if we really are ever going to do anything about federally-supported health care as an alternative to these private insurers, there's that much less tax money to do it with.
And some of the money that isn't going to you, and isn't going to the government, is going to strengthen the already monolithic insurance companies!
"And just in case this isn't a sweet enough deal, the government is almost silent about telling that employer of yours about what kind of health insurance it must give you. And year after year, the companies get smarter and more audacious about either cutting what your health insurance covers, or cutting the number of employees the health insurance covers, or both.
And if that still isn't enough, there is something called the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. And it has a Political Action Committee, IFAPAC, and last year IFAPAC had one million, $492,000 worth of campaign money with which to buy politicians.
And you'd be amazed how many of them you can buy with even one million, $492,000.
"And these are the same people who are not only influencing the health care debate, spending more than a million dollars a day to defeat reform, they are also the same people, who by raising your premiums and cutting your reimbursements, who by manipulating prices at hospitals and doctor's offices for everything from tongue depressors to enemas, who by influencing health care in this country more effectively and more selfishly than a dictator could ever do these are the people who decide what kind of health care you get, how much you pay for it, and whether or not they'd rather not see you get it."
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The Patriot Act spying provisions made it out of committee and are up for a full Senate vote to renew.
Pot News
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All dispensaries in L.A. face prosecution right now, which is over 800 stores. Doesn't the D.A. have more important things to do then tackle things that are legal in his state? I believe he is a county officer. This is an issue that is dear to my heart because what happens in California typically spreads to the rest of the country. Michigan and Illinois both had it legalized recently. I want it to come to Indiana and everywhere else.
Why won't Republicans just leave something that is working alone? What problems have come from this other than political complaints? Let it be.
Why won't Republicans just leave something that is working alone? What problems have come from this other than political complaints? Let it be.
The Trial is Over
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This is going to be short because the day is almost over and then I am going home and opening up a bottle of champagne (ok, sparking wine).
All morning were opening statements. Both sides made a good case. The injured woman's attorneys asked for 10 to 12 million dollars. Big mistake. The case was given to the jury for their deliberation at around 1 pm. They went to lunch until 2 pm. At 3:30 I got the call. We have a verdict. After 4 weeks of trial when a verdict comes in that fast it is very bad for one side or the other.
Court convenes. The jury returns. The judge looks at the verdict to make sure it has been filled out correctly. My turn. I read the verdict.
Neither the doctors or the hospital had been found to be at fault. That is it. The injured woman got nothing. Zero.
I was so relieved her husband was not in the Courtroom for that.....
All morning were opening statements. Both sides made a good case. The injured woman's attorneys asked for 10 to 12 million dollars. Big mistake. The case was given to the jury for their deliberation at around 1 pm. They went to lunch until 2 pm. At 3:30 I got the call. We have a verdict. After 4 weeks of trial when a verdict comes in that fast it is very bad for one side or the other.
Court convenes. The jury returns. The judge looks at the verdict to make sure it has been filled out correctly. My turn. I read the verdict.
Neither the doctors or the hospital had been found to be at fault. That is it. The injured woman got nothing. Zero.
I was so relieved her husband was not in the Courtroom for that.....
Capitalism a Love Story
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First off let me say $9.50 a piece for a movie!!! I know I don’t get out a lot but when the hell did that happen???? Maybe that is why there were only about a dozen people there last night.
There are interesting parts but overall I was underwhelmed. The movie is great for people who don’t follow economic news. It gives a good overview of all that is unholy and wrong. I was already pretty much was aware of all this movie points out but, like I said, for people who don’t follow these issues it would be an eye opener.
I enjoyed the discussions with priests as to whether Jesus would be a capitalist. Obvious answer and one more people should ask themselves if they consider themselves Christian.
Any thinking person who has been paying attention the last 20 years would draw the same conclusion.
The bottom line is that you can’t trust those who are in charge of our economy to do what is right for this country and the regular people in it. The ideas they pushed have only hurt a lot a people and made a few rich. Does it make sense to borrow your home’s equity for anything other than improving the value of your home or a life threatening emergency? To put ALL your retirement monies in a stock market you can’t predict? To get a variable rate loan when you can’t control the interest rates? To assume that home values will always rise? Doing any of those things puts you at the mercy of forces beyond your control.
I saw it at the theater because I wanted to help Michael with the box office but really this is a rental.
There are interesting parts but overall I was underwhelmed. The movie is great for people who don’t follow economic news. It gives a good overview of all that is unholy and wrong. I was already pretty much was aware of all this movie points out but, like I said, for people who don’t follow these issues it would be an eye opener.
I enjoyed the discussions with priests as to whether Jesus would be a capitalist. Obvious answer and one more people should ask themselves if they consider themselves Christian.
Any thinking person who has been paying attention the last 20 years would draw the same conclusion.
The bottom line is that you can’t trust those who are in charge of our economy to do what is right for this country and the regular people in it. The ideas they pushed have only hurt a lot a people and made a few rich. Does it make sense to borrow your home’s equity for anything other than improving the value of your home or a life threatening emergency? To put ALL your retirement monies in a stock market you can’t predict? To get a variable rate loan when you can’t control the interest rates? To assume that home values will always rise? Doing any of those things puts you at the mercy of forces beyond your control.
I saw it at the theater because I wanted to help Michael with the box office but really this is a rental.
Trial Day Whatever.....
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on 07 October 2009
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I haven’t written about the trial for the last few days because it has become so mind numbing. Doctors and nurses one after another being asked the same types of questions. Going over the same incidents over and over. I have to hand it to the jury. We haven’t lost anyone else. They are here every day on time with no complaints to the long days and short lunches (considering they only get $10 a day plus mileage).
The only interesting thing that happened today is that the injured woman’s husband was detained by law enforcement because he made what sounded like threatening statements against the doctors and suicidal statements. They did a background check on him and are at this moment trying to decide if they will allow him to return to the Courtroom.
I checked his records when all the information about his multiple divorce filings came out in trial. Besides auto violations he had a harassment charge plead down to a misdemeanor. He was charged with threatening someone at some point at the hospital following his wife’s complications that resulted in this trial.
I just got the word from the Judge. The husband was escorted home for today and for the rest of the trial we will have a deputy in the Courtroom. When the jury leaves tonight the deputy will come in and talk to all of us about securely exiting the Courtroom should the need arise.
The only interesting thing that happened today is that the injured woman’s husband was detained by law enforcement because he made what sounded like threatening statements against the doctors and suicidal statements. They did a background check on him and are at this moment trying to decide if they will allow him to return to the Courtroom.
I checked his records when all the information about his multiple divorce filings came out in trial. Besides auto violations he had a harassment charge plead down to a misdemeanor. He was charged with threatening someone at some point at the hospital following his wife’s complications that resulted in this trial.
I just got the word from the Judge. The husband was escorted home for today and for the rest of the trial we will have a deputy in the Courtroom. When the jury leaves tonight the deputy will come in and talk to all of us about securely exiting the Courtroom should the need arise.
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I made these last night and froze half of them and reheated them this mornign and they were divine. I am keeping a blog for myself as a database that I can search for different stuff. This recipe has to be shared though. They are Once a Month Cooking, look it up if you want to know more about the 'movement,' but these are better than store bought and you freeze them when you are done and you microwave them as you want them thruought the month. They get harder than normal french toast and I just cannot put into words how great they were. http://j0phus.blogspot.com/2009/10/french-toast-sticks-oamc.html I only have a few things up at that blog, but feel free to look at them if you want. There are a few recipes on there and maybe a few other things. Next time I think I might add some almond extract and/or use buttermilk, per suggestion from my "first" that I still talk to everyday in the city. That just sounds genius to me. Almonds are god's candy.
Will you?
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Will you join Arianna Huffington's book club? The first selection is In Praise of Slowness. Here is the briefest synopsis I could find. In Praise of Slow (U.S. title In Praise of Slowness) is a book by Carl Honoré containing his analysis of the Cult of Speed, which he claims is becoming the societal standard all over the world. He discusses and gives praise to the Slow Movement and the various groups around the world representative of this movement.
I think this idea might be VERY politically powerful. This woman may be a genius. If this grows enough, she can get all liberals armed with the same, relevant information. Think of the potential. If I can find some money I might go buy it today actually. This is something I think I might want to be a part of from the get go.
Texas Begs Fed for $3 Billion
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on 06 October 2009
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The same people who voted against the stimulus and then went another step forward, as if that wasn't crazy enough, they want to secede, have just asked for 3 billion dollars... You think that is funny already right? Well they want it to fund NASA, a government program.
What Obama was really doing in Denmark
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This is the real reason why Obama went to Copenhagen. General Stanley McChrystal flew up there for the speech. Obama was there for less than 5 hours and gave an embarrassing speech for Chicago. If you recall up to 2 days before had we weren't even told Obama was going. McChrystal gave that speech on Afghanistan and suddenly they both end up in Denmark for an unscheduled trip.
The Demise of the Dollar
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I left a lengthy comment on this, so I'm not going to offer commentary here. This is an article out of England about how the world is ditching the dollar. This is the legacy of conservative social policy and liberal military involvement, imho. Raise our taxes, interest rates, and bust up over-reaching corporations or we are the next Russia.
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars.
US Maintains Silence on Israeli Nukes
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“In a report on Saturday, The Washington Times quoted three unnamed sources as saying Obama had confirmed to Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, that he would maintain the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.”
Unless Israel’s nukes can reach the US I’m not sure what sway they hold over us. We look the other way from their war crimes, land grabs, and totally disregard the suffering of the Palestinian people. Jerks like Lindsey Graham advocate attacking Iran for Israel. Why don’t we just make them the 51st state and be done with it. What surprised me was how long this silence has been going on.
“In 2007, the Nixon library declassified a July 19, 1969, memo from Henry Kissinger, then national security adviser, that comes closest to articulating US policy on the issue.
That memo says "while we might ideally like to halt actual Israeli possession, what we really want at a minimum may be just to keep Israeli possession from becoming an established international fact".”
Unless Israel’s nukes can reach the US I’m not sure what sway they hold over us. We look the other way from their war crimes, land grabs, and totally disregard the suffering of the Palestinian people. Jerks like Lindsey Graham advocate attacking Iran for Israel. Why don’t we just make them the 51st state and be done with it. What surprised me was how long this silence has been going on.
“In 2007, the Nixon library declassified a July 19, 1969, memo from Henry Kissinger, then national security adviser, that comes closest to articulating US policy on the issue.
That memo says "while we might ideally like to halt actual Israeli possession, what we really want at a minimum may be just to keep Israeli possession from becoming an established international fact".”
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on 05 October 2009
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A few hours ago, I was looking for clips of Cate Blanchet to share with Lisa, and I ran across this trailer of a film that had previously been suggested to me by a good friend. I decided to watch it and it may be one of the best period pieces I had ever seen with unbelievable acting. The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc. I want to share the trailer with you and try to sell it a bit in case you had not seen it before.
It features Milla Jovavich, John Malkovich, Dustin Hoffman, Faye Dunaway among others. It is a biography about the coming of Joan of Arc, the battle of church and state, and intense political pressure. I can't really sell it to the degree it deserves. Just trust me if you like emotional, intense, empowering, and moral films and are interested in politics and religious history this movie is for you. I promise you will LOVE it.
It features Milla Jovavich, John Malkovich, Dustin Hoffman, Faye Dunaway among others. It is a biography about the coming of Joan of Arc, the battle of church and state, and intense political pressure. I can't really sell it to the degree it deserves. Just trust me if you like emotional, intense, empowering, and moral films and are interested in politics and religious history this movie is for you. I promise you will LOVE it.
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I’m not saying Rio is a bad place but this is what I read about them today at Democracy Now’s website:
Rio is considered to be one of the world’s most dangerous cities and has a notoriously corrupt police force. Over 2,000 murders were reported in the city last year. According to the United Nations high commissioner for Human Rights. the Rio police committed one in five of the murders. Executions by police death squads are considered common. In July, 30 police officers in Rio were charged with homicide, after an investigation that implicated them in the formation of a death squad and unlawful killings.
I’m not sure how Chicago fares in those areas but somehow I bet it is not as bad. Be careful if you go down to watch the Olympics.
I haven’t written much about the trial because it has just been more testimony from doctors. Nothing interesting is happening. Hopefully the jury can start deliberating early next week.
Rio is considered to be one of the world’s most dangerous cities and has a notoriously corrupt police force. Over 2,000 murders were reported in the city last year. According to the United Nations high commissioner for Human Rights. the Rio police committed one in five of the murders. Executions by police death squads are considered common. In July, 30 police officers in Rio were charged with homicide, after an investigation that implicated them in the formation of a death squad and unlawful killings.
I’m not sure how Chicago fares in those areas but somehow I bet it is not as bad. Be careful if you go down to watch the Olympics.
I haven’t written much about the trial because it has just been more testimony from doctors. Nothing interesting is happening. Hopefully the jury can start deliberating early next week.
Lindsay Graham 'Destroy Iran'
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Lindsay Graham calls for us to destroy every jet and every ship, and it wouldn't be right for Israel to do it. So we need to do it..... Before the end of the year. As a last resort though. THAT IS 2 MONTHS!
Explain to me why Senators wonder why countries lie about what they have. Iran hasn't been aggressive and only announced that they had the bomb or the technology to build one. How are we going to exhaust every avenue before January? We can't even give ourselves health insurance in 2 months. The world might be mad at Israel if they attack Iran? Surely they won't be pissed at us if we go in and bomb the fuck out of a country we have no business bombing. It isn't like we don't have precedent.
You know why WE must do it? Because if Israel does, then KBR, XE, Amaco, Shell, and all those defense contractors who build drones and shit do not make any money. Is this going to happen? Are we seriously going to end up in another war that we don't belong in?
How do people like Graham even get elected? If he were in high school he would be the kid sitting at home with no friends. How the hell does he get the popularity to be elected to federal office? My guess is defense lobbys.
PS. When have sanctions worked? In what world do we not look like bullys right now? Seriously have sanctions worked? I only know about the cuban embargo, old Iraqi sanctions, and the sanctions on Palestine. None of those did anything but bring the people to their knees while their leaders are doing fine. Surely we don't think Iran cares about its people after the last election. Sanctions would not work. It would just ruin the lives of millions of people and make life hundreds of times worse. We really do need our own revolution, if not to just stop our aggression. We are the pit bull of the world. We'll turn on you in a heartbeat and rip your face off, just because.
I'm no expert on Iran, but from what I understand the only truly crazy person in their government is Achmedijuad (totally jacked up his name) and he has no real power. This totally reminds me of that movie Minority Report. Just like Iraq we would get punitive on them for something they didn't even do yet.
Explain to me why Senators wonder why countries lie about what they have. Iran hasn't been aggressive and only announced that they had the bomb or the technology to build one. How are we going to exhaust every avenue before January? We can't even give ourselves health insurance in 2 months. The world might be mad at Israel if they attack Iran? Surely they won't be pissed at us if we go in and bomb the fuck out of a country we have no business bombing. It isn't like we don't have precedent.
You know why WE must do it? Because if Israel does, then KBR, XE, Amaco, Shell, and all those defense contractors who build drones and shit do not make any money. Is this going to happen? Are we seriously going to end up in another war that we don't belong in?
How do people like Graham even get elected? If he were in high school he would be the kid sitting at home with no friends. How the hell does he get the popularity to be elected to federal office? My guess is defense lobbys.
PS. When have sanctions worked? In what world do we not look like bullys right now? Seriously have sanctions worked? I only know about the cuban embargo, old Iraqi sanctions, and the sanctions on Palestine. None of those did anything but bring the people to their knees while their leaders are doing fine. Surely we don't think Iran cares about its people after the last election. Sanctions would not work. It would just ruin the lives of millions of people and make life hundreds of times worse. We really do need our own revolution, if not to just stop our aggression. We are the pit bull of the world. We'll turn on you in a heartbeat and rip your face off, just because.
I'm no expert on Iran, but from what I understand the only truly crazy person in their government is Achmedijuad (totally jacked up his name) and he has no real power. This totally reminds me of that movie Minority Report. Just like Iraq we would get punitive on them for something they didn't even do yet.
Anne Frank
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on 04 October 2009
Ann Frank,
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This is the only known video that Ann Frank was ever in. Apparently the couple getting married lived next door and Anne was hanging out of her window. That family has been sitting on this video for nearly a century. Amazing. The Anne Frank House released this like 2 days ago.
Here is the article that lead me to the video: http://www.kansascity.com/stargazing/story/1486550.html
When you take this out of historical context it is just a little girl looking out the window and being playful. Like I'm guessing kids all over the country are doing right now. I'm sure if you were to walk into their world at that moment and tried to warn them about the direction of things, that you'd have been laughed at in the face.... My point is, things are relatively ok right now, but at any moment something could change that with one swoop. I wonder how different this Anne Frank was from the one that who wrote the diary. I'm sure the events changed the most fundamental parts of her personality.
Here is the article that lead me to the video: http://www.kansascity.com/stargazing/story/1486550.html
When you take this out of historical context it is just a little girl looking out the window and being playful. Like I'm guessing kids all over the country are doing right now. I'm sure if you were to walk into their world at that moment and tried to warn them about the direction of things, that you'd have been laughed at in the face.... My point is, things are relatively ok right now, but at any moment something could change that with one swoop. I wonder how different this Anne Frank was from the one that who wrote the diary. I'm sure the events changed the most fundamental parts of her personality.