Click on the photos to make them larger. You can see my dogs 3 gray hairs. They are so funny. He's had them since he was a pup. Sorry they are so blurry. I am bad with a camera I guess.
So here is the biggest frog I've ever seen. The photo in the rocks there is actually the giant frog and a regular sized frog. His blending skills are stellar, so you have to look for him. Then there are some geese that are migrating I guess. Evil fucking birds. Actually those are much nicer than the canadian geese. That is my dog oscar with the frog, I've lovingly named Jeremiah. Oscar is a mini-dachshund and weighs like 11 or 12 lbs and about 15 inches long and maybe 7 inches tall to give you some perspective on this fucking frog. Also, when I was carrying Jeremiah, he put his legs on my chest and jumped with such force that he flew out of my hand and on to the ground where oscar picked him up and ran with him. He didn't hurt him or even break its skin and the frog hopped away back to the lake, but oscar was drooling for about an hour and hasn't been right all day. I'm starting to think there is something to that legend that says if you lick a frogs back you will get high. There was a gekko or another lizzard like that too, but I just put him in the brush and didn't take a picture. I wish I did now.
It was like 55 and rainy all day. The photos actually remind me of what I think Oregon looks like in the winter. Fucking beautiful. I like it when the sun is out too, but this is perfect weather for me.