This is an article discussing the Republican revival. It's from the Washington Post (don't they have a Republican reputation?) and it is kind of disturbing. I wouldn't even post this, but I think we've all heard about this from here or there. I know Nate Silver has written about it as well, which is why I give even give this a second chance. Nate Silver may as well be The Oracle as far as I'm concerned. I hope he is wrong about this one, or we get our Neo to bend reality and save us all. I guess I'm in a Matrix mind space right now.
I will say that I don't know how this is possible. I mean I know the dems have fucked up royally, but if 3/4s the population wants a public option or single-payer, how can the reps be winning market share? Why would people side with them, when they have not offerred a single piece of productive legislation? Don't the normal people see that they aren't for anything, but against everything? I just don't get it. If we loose congress or the presidency, I'm out. Seriously. I'll be done with school by then and get a job in Amsterdam. I can't live my life in a country like this. I just can't.