Saw this on HuffPo. They took Monarch Caterpillars into space. Watch them try to fly in microgravity.
Orca vs. Great White
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Who wins? Click here for National Geographic video that shows you who is really the boss of the sea.
Blog Fluff
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Greatest joke told on television?
I actually have no idea what is going on in science or politics right now really. I got kind of lost this week, so the only thing I have to really say is: If you have a Wii (if you don't you need one) you should really invest in the New Super Mario Brothers that just came out. I am by no means a gamer, but I have a wii because it is just an awesome console that has games that have that "fun" factor. I'd say Mario and Teddy Ruxpin were a huge part of growing up and this is the best mario that isn't mario kart. It's 2-D, just like the old games and it is actually challenging even though it is really just Mario Brothers 3 crossed with Super Nintendo Mario Brothers. Seriously, it's a winner folks. So is Guitar Hero, but that is kind of an investment.
What's going on with you? Nothing here really. I think we are going to get our first real snow very soon. We've had a few quick showers that haven't stuck yet. I'll bet your not jealous of 17 degrees with gusts off the lake. Its sort of really early for temps like that so hopefully when I build my igloo it will stick around the whole winter. Kerry, have you always lived in the northwest? For some reason I feel like you're from the east coast.
This was sort of rambly. Sorry there is no substance here, but hopefully it was slightly entertaining. Isn't John Lovitz great?
I actually have no idea what is going on in science or politics right now really. I got kind of lost this week, so the only thing I have to really say is: If you have a Wii (if you don't you need one) you should really invest in the New Super Mario Brothers that just came out. I am by no means a gamer, but I have a wii because it is just an awesome console that has games that have that "fun" factor. I'd say Mario and Teddy Ruxpin were a huge part of growing up and this is the best mario that isn't mario kart. It's 2-D, just like the old games and it is actually challenging even though it is really just Mario Brothers 3 crossed with Super Nintendo Mario Brothers. Seriously, it's a winner folks. So is Guitar Hero, but that is kind of an investment.
What's going on with you? Nothing here really. I think we are going to get our first real snow very soon. We've had a few quick showers that haven't stuck yet. I'll bet your not jealous of 17 degrees with gusts off the lake. Its sort of really early for temps like that so hopefully when I build my igloo it will stick around the whole winter. Kerry, have you always lived in the northwest? For some reason I feel like you're from the east coast.
This was sort of rambly. Sorry there is no substance here, but hopefully it was slightly entertaining. Isn't John Lovitz great?
We Need a Label.
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on 02 December 2009
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Normally I'm not for labeling, but we need to label the current era we are in right now. What is going on right now is terrible. Is it like the Depression? I don't know, but we need a name. The country as a whole needs to identify that there is something larger going on right now. The news loves to label everything, but not this. Isn't that interesting? Is the root cause of everything corporations? I'm starting to get kind of scared that the stuff they were doing before (that I thought was evil) was just posturing. Did you know that in that Christmas movie Jimmy Stewart was going to kill himself because his interest rate was 2%? Mine have all been raised to 29% - I don't pay late.
This is just a random thought I wanted to share.
This is just a random thought I wanted to share.
Special Live Edition of Larry King Live
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got that? I'm not sure I do. Here is Michael Moore on Larry King about the Afghan Surge.
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So Comcast has been becoming one of the dirtiest corporations around. They have been caught throttling traffic and now they are censoring. Do you use comcast? Try going to It won't work. They distribute downloads from Switzerland or Denmark and they've been reporting problems for Comcast users in the States for a long time. Their twitter feed is working and you can see them posting the downloads but their links won't work since yesterday, December 1.
They've also released a trial for their Bandwidth Meter in the Portland, OR market yesterday, December 1. If you care to read the blog post they are referring their customers to in the area click here. Be sure to notice that they tell you 99% of users use 4 gigs a month. That is bullshit. With the growth of hulu, netflix, itunes, youtube, VoiP, torrents etc monthly bandwidth on average for the person under 40 is likely closer to a couple hundred gigs. Then you have people with families that have more than one person on the internet.
Basically comcast is trying to cap the internet, so you can only get so much of it a month and every little bit you go over you will be charged. Everyone knows that TV is moving off the airwaves and onto the internet. I'd like to point out the extreme popularity of Hulu, Netflix, iTunes, and Youtube again. Just incase you didn't know who owned Hulu, it is NBC. The company that Comcast is buying right now. Net neutrality is a huge issue right now and no one is covering it at all. The same day this meter came out I can download a link off my phone (ATT) but not off my computer (comcast). That is censorship. What else will they decide to censor?
In case you didn't know this too, last month legislation was passed that allows the government to censor the internet and completely shut down access to entire communities (lets say the state of Washington) , or just certain sites (we'll use Huffington Post), in case of emergency.... Had Iran had that all in place a year ago, we wouldn't have gotten any of those twitter or youtube videos that we were using as news coverage of their election. I'm just saying.
I encourage you to read the comments on the comcast blog about their meter too. It's funny because I pay comcast for access to the internet. Not for the internet itself. Not only do we (as a country) have some of the slowest speeds in the world, we are going to be charged per site (we already pay 100's of percent more than the rest of the world btw), per gig, and only allowed access to the portions that the corporations will allow us to see. This all sounds sensational, but I know that you guys read news on the internet and have likely seen articles on the subject quite a few times over the past 2 years. This is what those articles were warning about.
This is ALL 100% true and happening. If anything seems unbelievable, Google it (while you still can).
They've also released a trial for their Bandwidth Meter in the Portland, OR market yesterday, December 1. If you care to read the blog post they are referring their customers to in the area click here. Be sure to notice that they tell you 99% of users use 4 gigs a month. That is bullshit. With the growth of hulu, netflix, itunes, youtube, VoiP, torrents etc monthly bandwidth on average for the person under 40 is likely closer to a couple hundred gigs. Then you have people with families that have more than one person on the internet.
Basically comcast is trying to cap the internet, so you can only get so much of it a month and every little bit you go over you will be charged. Everyone knows that TV is moving off the airwaves and onto the internet. I'd like to point out the extreme popularity of Hulu, Netflix, iTunes, and Youtube again. Just incase you didn't know who owned Hulu, it is NBC. The company that Comcast is buying right now. Net neutrality is a huge issue right now and no one is covering it at all. The same day this meter came out I can download a link off my phone (ATT) but not off my computer (comcast). That is censorship. What else will they decide to censor?
In case you didn't know this too, last month legislation was passed that allows the government to censor the internet and completely shut down access to entire communities (lets say the state of Washington) , or just certain sites (we'll use Huffington Post), in case of emergency.... Had Iran had that all in place a year ago, we wouldn't have gotten any of those twitter or youtube videos that we were using as news coverage of their election. I'm just saying.
I encourage you to read the comments on the comcast blog about their meter too. It's funny because I pay comcast for access to the internet. Not for the internet itself. Not only do we (as a country) have some of the slowest speeds in the world, we are going to be charged per site (we already pay 100's of percent more than the rest of the world btw), per gig, and only allowed access to the portions that the corporations will allow us to see. This all sounds sensational, but I know that you guys read news on the internet and have likely seen articles on the subject quite a few times over the past 2 years. This is what those articles were warning about.
This is ALL 100% true and happening. If anything seems unbelievable, Google it (while you still can).
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on 01 December 2009
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Obama is going to ramp up the occupation of Afghanistan with 30,000 more troops by the 25th . Merry Fucking Christmas. It figures it is one of the few campaign promises he is keeping. What on earth is the Pentagon telling him that would make a rational intelligent person escalate that situation? If his daughters would be sent there would he make the same decision? I couldn’t watch his speech tonight. I just don’t want to hear his excuses. This is insane and going to break this country.
Osama must be laughing his ass off. Mission Accomplished
Edit: I don't know where I got the date the 25th and I'm not sure the 30,000 will be there for the holidays. I was just pissed off when I posted this last night....
Osama must be laughing his ass off. Mission Accomplished
Edit: I don't know where I got the date the 25th and I'm not sure the 30,000 will be there for the holidays. I was just pissed off when I posted this last night....
When you come into the public square...
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on 30 November 2009
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to say bad things about me, expect the same in return. I love this guy.

I decided that because this woman thought it was okay to make me feel uncomfortable in my home, I would retaliate and make her feel just as uncomfortable, if not more.
This woman was wearing a ankle-length corduroy skirt, which, as we all know, is a fashion nono. So, in order to make her feel uncomfortable, I stood next to her and held a sign that said Corduroy skirts are a sin! I don’t think I have ever drawn so much attention in my life. SO many people asked to take a picture with me, I got laughs, high fives and there were the few that even cursed off the woman standing behind me.
As I drew interest to what was going on with myself and the woman with the hateful sign, I started to draw a crowd that stood with me in support. Before I knew it I had 100+ people holding signs for gay rights asking people to honk their horns to support. I was interviewed by a news station, and more than 5 student organization papers, and the post standard of syracuse.
I never expected anybody to come stand by me and support and I appreciate it so much that everyone came! It meant so much and it proved to those ignorant people that we aren’t afraid, and we will put up a fight.
I’m proud that Syracuse has such a homosexual friendly community.