Here is a good article about Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It’s about the UN Relief and Work Agency that has been providing aid to Palestinian refugees for 60 years.
“ We have a million refugees in Gaza, 80% are aid dependent, and we have to advocate against this cruel collective punishment that is making life so miserable," said Mr Gunness.
"Let's be clear: this is not a humanitarian crisis caused by natural disaster. This is a humanitarian crisis of choice, of a direct political choice," he added"
Here is another one about some of the more recent fighting about a year ago.
“It was the start of an offensive that lasted for three weeks. The Israeli army says it killed 1,166 Palestinians. The Palestinian health ministry's count is about 1,500. B'Tselem, the Israeli human rights group, says that Israel killed 1,387 Palestinians during the war; more than half of them were civilians, and 252 of them were children.
Israeli attacks also did huge physical damage in Gaza to homes, businesses and the rest of the infrastructure of daily life.
Nine Israelis, including three civilians, were killed by Palestinian fire. Four others, all Israeli soldiers, were killed by their own side. Hamas rockets did little physical damage in Israel.”
The disparity in lives lost and damage done is unsettling. I think these two articles are good examples of what some people are upset about. All Americans need to be made aware of what is going on. Especially when so many of our tax dollars support them.