This was the gayest Halloween video I could think of. Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker. I'm on candy duty for the night. Happy Halloween guys.
Happy Halloween!
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This is so stupid it is funny. I hope everyone has a goooolishly great Halloween!
Smoke a bowl before watching.....
For Lisa
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I read this article and I'm torn about how I feel about it. Then I thought about how much you loved space and then how much you love animals. I'm curious how this makes you feel. Kerry and Indigo too. Should they do it?
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This is a video of a ski -er? How the hell do you spell that? I would do the thing but I'm too lazy. He is skiing with some friends and wearing a helmet cam while he is in an avalanche. I thought this was going to be like visually stimulating, but it is actually emotionally stimulating. Prepare yourself.
Summer Ski Jump Practice
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on 30 October 2009
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Ever wonder how they practice ski jumping when there isn't snow around?
....and THIS little piggy went to....
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The market. Click on photos to make them larger. Especially of my dog. look at his feet. Its an action shot. You can even see the dirt falling to the ground. His legs are my favorite though. His two front feet are off the dirt.

Those are two different cloud photos a few months apart. Both brought horrible weather. Today a flood. You think these are the same clouds? They both went as far as the eye could see in both directions, which is why I took the photos.
The photo of my dog is to show you what happens when you take a city dog into the country... He thinks animals are everywhere. The horses collectively make up his nemisis. I put those up because it was magic hour outside and so my pictures look like they are out of a dream even though they were taken on my iphone. (these are all taken off my phone so I just posted other pics I liked).

Those are two different cloud photos a few months apart. Both brought horrible weather. Today a flood. You think these are the same clouds? They both went as far as the eye could see in both directions, which is why I took the photos.
The photo of my dog is to show you what happens when you take a city dog into the country... He thinks animals are everywhere. The horses collectively make up his nemisis. I put those up because it was magic hour outside and so my pictures look like they are out of a dream even though they were taken on my iphone. (these are all taken off my phone so I just posted other pics I liked).
What is a Flash Flood?
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I'm glad you asked. Before today I guess I never really understood what the difference between a regular flood and flash flood. Especially the urgency of interrupting TV with it.
I went to venture off into my day and I'm driving around and getting high first, like normal. Everything is find. An hour and a half later, I'm leaving my friends house and coming home to eat lunch. Now it is 5 o'clock (In marijuana minutes 5pm is my noon.) As I'm driving I keep having to cross these spots where water is coming over the road, but the road is not shut down. 30 seconds later my inner monolouge is saying, "Holy shit. This water is deeper than it looked.) About the 3rd time it happened someone had to get out of their car in the middle bc their car got stuck. Then I pass and come to another spot.... Same thing. Eventually I get home and call my mom to tell her to stay on main roads and she tells me the interstate is completely stopped.
Now I know what a flash flood is. It literally floods so fast that everything is flooded in an instant, at the same time. I've always thought that those idiots who get their cars stuck -that you see on the news- were just idiots. It turns out that I think they are just normal people trying to get home during rush hour. They didn't get their car stuck b/c they knew it was that deep. It just flooded everywhere so fast that the roads weren't all able to get shut down so quick, and this is third aversion from something that looked to deep. They HAD to go because it looked more shallow than all their other attempts and it was the absolute last road they could think of to get home.
I think I'm in a flash flood right now. I took a picture of one of those wall clouds that was pictured in Kerry's cloud photo post. When I get less high, I'll post it.
I went to venture off into my day and I'm driving around and getting high first, like normal. Everything is find. An hour and a half later, I'm leaving my friends house and coming home to eat lunch. Now it is 5 o'clock (In marijuana minutes 5pm is my noon.) As I'm driving I keep having to cross these spots where water is coming over the road, but the road is not shut down. 30 seconds later my inner monolouge is saying, "Holy shit. This water is deeper than it looked.) About the 3rd time it happened someone had to get out of their car in the middle bc their car got stuck. Then I pass and come to another spot.... Same thing. Eventually I get home and call my mom to tell her to stay on main roads and she tells me the interstate is completely stopped.
Now I know what a flash flood is. It literally floods so fast that everything is flooded in an instant, at the same time. I've always thought that those idiots who get their cars stuck -that you see on the news- were just idiots. It turns out that I think they are just normal people trying to get home during rush hour. They didn't get their car stuck b/c they knew it was that deep. It just flooded everywhere so fast that the roads weren't all able to get shut down so quick, and this is third aversion from something that looked to deep. They HAD to go because it looked more shallow than all their other attempts and it was the absolute last road they could think of to get home.
I think I'm in a flash flood right now. I took a picture of one of those wall clouds that was pictured in Kerry's cloud photo post. When I get less high, I'll post it.
LBJ on Airforce One
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This is on Huff Post right now and it is fascinating. I strongly urge you to read it:
This quote is about Jackie on the plane after the shooting and she is wanting to take off and leave Dallas. There is a lot of confusion of where LBJ is, on the plane or another plane. After searching Airforce One, this is what they found.
This quote is about Jackie on the plane after the shooting and she is wanting to take off and leave Dallas. There is a lot of confusion of where LBJ is, on the plane or another plane. After searching Airforce One, this is what they found.
What McHugh claimed to have witnessed next was shocking. "I walked in the toilet, in the powder room, and there he was hiding, with the curtain closed," McHugh recalled. He claimed that LBJ was crying, "They're going to get us all. It's a plot. It's a plot. It's going to get us all.'" According to the General, Johnson "was hysterical, sitting down on the john there alone in this thing."
Best Costume Ever
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For real this time.
I can't seem to find it on their site, but here is their movie quality costumes. If I were into holloween like I was when I was like 21, I'd totally buy the Abominal Snowman.
I can't seem to find it on their site, but here is their movie quality costumes. If I were into holloween like I was when I was like 21, I'd totally buy the Abominal Snowman.
Photography Contest Winner
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Mafia Hit Caught on Tape
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This is an execution of a guy by the mafia and it is caught on video. I decided to post the link rather than imbed the video so you weren't presented with an image, that is always harder for me to turn away from. There is like no blood and it goes down really fast around kind of a lot of people during the day. It's amazing to me. It is way colder than they show in movies.
The most interesting part, to me, is that after watching this video several times, I can't really describe the shooter.
The most interesting part, to me, is that after watching this video several times, I can't really describe the shooter.
Pumpking Eating Hippos
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on 29 October 2009
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Every year the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle make a production out of feeding the hippos pumpkins. It reminds me of years ago when my parents would take us kids there and each of us would have a bag of crackers and marshmallows to feed the animals. Yes, decades ago the zoo allowed you to bring in outside food for the animals. I remember the bears sitting up and begging for you to throw them something.
I must be getting old. Back in my day......
Something To Strive For
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on 28 October 2009
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I love this time of year. My favorite thing to do is to carve pumpkins and cook the seeds. I tried to grow some this year in my garden and failed. Here are some people who can do it right.
Know Anyone on the East Coast?
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This is the email forwarded to me about the Maine Question 1 ballot initiative, when I said I would go if it were cost neutral. They will pay for hotel, but I am too far away to drive to Maine. If you know anyone willing, please send this information to them.
Dear friend,
Can you drive or rideshare to Maine to help defeat Question 1? We need
you for the Get-Out-the-Vote volunteer shifts from Friday the 30th
through Election Day.
And now we're making it much, much easier for you.
For the final long campaign weekend we're going to give you a FREE
place to stay in a local hotel if you can work at least two volunteer
Marriage equality could win for the first time after losing 30
consecutive elections. We've never been this close to victory. Will
you take a short trip to make history?
It doesn't matter if you have a car or not – when you sign up at our
Drive for Equality website, just check a box on the form for a
rideshare request to post on our interactive board.
We call Election Day and the four days preceeding it the Get-Out-The-
Vote period: 'GOTV'. It is absolutely the most critical period of this
election because we need to verify that tens of thousands of our
supporters have actually voted. It is the GOTV 'ground operation' that
wins close elections. We need you to truly be a part of it by coming
to Maine.
We want to literally be in personal contact with tens of thousands of
voters during GOTV. We need you to join us in the field.
Will you join us here and make a big difference?
No experience is required, and we'll help you make the trip by
providing you and your comapnions hotel rooms and by helping to match
drivers with riders. If you are traveling as a group, or in a carpool,
we will try to match you in a shared room with your group. Note: ALL
participants must sign up at the Drive for Equality website.
You can help us defeat Question 1 in Maine. In just 8 days, voters in
Maine will choose the direction of the national marriage equality
The polls are close, but we can win if we have enough volunteers to
turn out all our voters. From Burlington to Long Island, you can make
the biggest difference by driving (or riding in a carpool) to Maine
for all or any part of GOTV from Friday the 30th through Election Day
on the 3rd.
Sign up to Drive for Equality to Maine. Your short trip will make a
big difference.
P.S. Can't make it to Maine or want to help even more? Join Call for
Equality, our virtual phone bank program, and help contact voters from
your home or office. All you need is a phone and an internet
connection to make a difference. Sign up here:
Paul A. Hogarth
650 Turk Street #507
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 509-2592
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
-- John Lennon
Dear friend,
Can you drive or rideshare to Maine to help defeat Question 1? We need
you for the Get-Out-the-Vote volunteer shifts from Friday the 30th
through Election Day.
And now we're making it much, much easier for you.
For the final long campaign weekend we're going to give you a FREE
place to stay in a local hotel if you can work at least two volunteer
Marriage equality could win for the first time after losing 30
consecutive elections. We've never been this close to victory. Will
you take a short trip to make history?
It doesn't matter if you have a car or not – when you sign up at our
Drive for Equality website, just check a box on the form for a
rideshare request to post on our interactive board.
We call Election Day and the four days preceeding it the Get-Out-The-
Vote period: 'GOTV'. It is absolutely the most critical period of this
election because we need to verify that tens of thousands of our
supporters have actually voted. It is the GOTV 'ground operation' that
wins close elections. We need you to truly be a part of it by coming
to Maine.
We want to literally be in personal contact with tens of thousands of
voters during GOTV. We need you to join us in the field.
Will you join us here and make a big difference?
No experience is required, and we'll help you make the trip by
providing you and your comapnions hotel rooms and by helping to match
drivers with riders. If you are traveling as a group, or in a carpool,
we will try to match you in a shared room with your group. Note: ALL
participants must sign up at the Drive for Equality website.
You can help us defeat Question 1 in Maine. In just 8 days, voters in
Maine will choose the direction of the national marriage equality
The polls are close, but we can win if we have enough volunteers to
turn out all our voters. From Burlington to Long Island, you can make
the biggest difference by driving (or riding in a carpool) to Maine
for all or any part of GOTV from Friday the 30th through Election Day
on the 3rd.
Sign up to Drive for Equality to Maine. Your short trip will make a
big difference.
P.S. Can't make it to Maine or want to help even more? Join Call for
Equality, our virtual phone bank program, and help contact voters from
your home or office. All you need is a phone and an internet
connection to make a difference. Sign up here:
Paul A. Hogarth
650 Turk Street #507
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 509-2592
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
-- John Lennon
B/c I can
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on 26 October 2009
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I really really like this song/skit, but I can never find it so I'm gunna post it here. I also thought you might like it.