Know Anyone on the East Coast?

This is the email forwarded to me about the Maine Question 1 ballot initiative, when I said I would go if it were cost neutral. They will pay for hotel, but I am too far away to drive to Maine. If you know anyone willing, please send this information to them.

Dear friend,

Can you drive or rideshare to Maine to help defeat Question 1? We need
you for the Get-Out-the-Vote volunteer shifts from Friday the 30th
through Election Day.

And now we're making it much, much easier for you.

For the final long campaign weekend we're going to give you a FREE
place to stay in a local hotel if you can work at least two volunteer

Marriage equality could win for the first time after losing 30
consecutive elections. We've never been this close to victory. Will
you take a short trip to make history?

It doesn't matter if you have a car or not – when you sign up at our
Drive for Equality website, just check a box on the form for a
rideshare request to post on our interactive board.

We call Election Day and the four days preceeding it the Get-Out-The-
Vote period: 'GOTV'. It is absolutely the most critical period of this
election because we need to verify that tens of thousands of our
supporters have actually voted. It is the GOTV 'ground operation' that
wins close elections. We need you to truly be a part of it by coming
to Maine.

We want to literally be in personal contact with tens of thousands of
voters during GOTV. We need you to join us in the field.

Will you join us here and make a big difference?

No experience is required, and we'll help you make the trip by
providing you and your comapnions hotel rooms and by helping to match
drivers with riders. If you are traveling as a group, or in a carpool,
we will try to match you in a shared room with your group. Note: ALL
participants must sign up at the Drive for Equality website.

You can help us defeat Question 1 in Maine. In just 8 days, voters in
Maine will choose the direction of the national marriage equality

The polls are close, but we can win if we have enough volunteers to
turn out all our voters. From Burlington to Long Island, you can make
the biggest difference by driving (or riding in a carpool) to Maine
for all or any part of GOTV from Friday the 30th through Election Day
on the 3rd.

Sign up to Drive for Equality to Maine. Your short trip will make a
big difference.

P.S. Can't make it to Maine or want to help even more? Join Call for
Equality, our virtual phone bank program, and help contact voters from
your home or office. All you need is a phone and an internet
connection to make a difference. Sign up here:

Paul A. Hogarth
650 Turk Street #507
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 509-2592

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
-- John Lennon
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