
I made these last night and froze half of them and reheated them this mornign and they were divine. I am keeping a blog for myself as a database that I can search for different stuff. This recipe has to be shared though. They are Once a Month Cooking, look it up if you want to know more about the 'movement,' but these are better than store bought and you freeze them when you are done and you microwave them as you want them thruought the month. They get harder than normal french toast and I just cannot put into words how great they were. I only have a few things up at that blog, but feel free to look at them if you want. There are a few recipes on there and maybe a few other things. Next time I think I might add some almond extract and/or use buttermilk, per suggestion from my "first" that I still talk to everyday in the city. That just sounds genius to me. Almonds are god's candy.
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