So I think this holiday is our most genuine of our full calender of special days. I know we tarnished the image set by the first dinner, but it doesn't negate the fact that it happened. At least we tried. This is also the most traditional holiday we have - as far as meaning goes. For some reason corporations have had a really hard time taking this one from us. I don't know about you, but I love that.
Near the end of the post is a short video about Thanksgiving. The content starts from the first dinner and shows the evolution to what we typically do now, it covers a lot. Although I will admit they focus on football a little too much towards the end. A large thank you to the History Channel for reminding us where Thanksgiving came from. Had I had more time today I would have found something more comprehensive and able to be embedded.
Sadly today I am not celebrating Thanksgiving. We're having ours tomorrow due to my aunt and uncle having work/travel problems with the day. So we are doing a dry run with my grandma. We got her out of the nursing home and into our house without any help and after I shower we're gunna try to play some cards or something to keep her happy. Today is a dry run for tomorrow when she'll get to see our entire family and we should have stuff that she is able to eat too.
What are you thankful for? I know this is cheesy, but I think it is really important to reflect every once and a while. I will share some of the wonderful things that have happened to me the past week as soon as I've taken my grandma back. I don't want to waste anymore time. Happy Holiday folks.
Click here for the short segment produced by the History Channel. If there are no comments on this when I come back, I will try to find a better video. Time is just an issue right now.
Thank you all for sticking around for the blog. It means more to me than you'll likely ever know.