I thought that I'd throw a little accent in there with the "yous guys." As many of you know I've moved in to my parents and I've spent about 3 grand so far making a suitable room for me. I'm used to a high standard of living... Leave me alone, I feel guilty enough as it is. Anyways, I am preparing for a garden next year, a field of wild flowers, and my parents are the biggest waste producers you have ever met. I am starting a binder full of print outs (not green I know) of different things we can do to become more green. I just spent 400 dollars on fucking CFL light bulbs last night, which my mom bitched about. She is afraid my dog will get mercury poisoning. This is what I'm dealing with guys. They are staying or I go, and they loose the house. End of discussion.
My question to you all, since I know Lisa and Kerry (what is your real name hun?) are environmentally aware. I will have specific questions regarding the wildlife here and maybe I'll go into detail with what is around here. I want to know some basic tips you may have though. When my room is done I should have a bunch of left over 2x4s and 2x8s, and I'm going to build a recycling center here, buy a can crusher, and try to get them off bottled water. I strictly use a britta filter and a stainless steel water bottle (I'm petrified of BPA). Can you help figure out how many bins I need? Paper, Plastic (does that need more than one?), Glass, what else? What can't be recycled? Like I think detergent can't be. Also, and this is a big question, anyone have compost piles? I really would like to start one for the garden. I just don't know anything or where to put it. Our property is basically the movie Bambi with an extra shit ton of raccoons. We have a forrest and a super mega massive natural pond nearby. I don't know how to keep them out.
Please be thorough if you can. I would really really really appreciate the help. I am going to do research too, but learning from your friends mistakes is always the best way to learn. So I'd like to start there. Any tips on how to get my parents into it would be great too. My mom is one of those people who will not accept change. Remember the lightbulb story. I will have to sell her like crazy. I just want to start doing some good in this world. When I get past the planning and actually building and practicing, I will keep a photo diary on here. I only have a shitty iPhone, but you'll be able to get the idea.
Unrelated: Farmer's Almanac said we are going to have a fucking freezing winter with mega loads of snow. So if that can be used somehow to green stuff let me know. I know since I started typing this, I am now going to save the saw dust for salt. You can do that right?
I'm also treating video right now that I will then have to upload just for you guys. It is about a company that has built a carbon filter for the air. Their theory is that one day we will have carbon filter farms like the pinwheels outside Palm Springs. You should enjoy it. It is high quality and from Nova Science Now (The Greatest Show on Television).
On a scale of practical to extravegantly expensive, lets keep the top side around moderate please. Unless you know how to grow a money tree. Also ways to make income off of it would be great too. I am also planning a garden, and I want to know what kind of stuff you can grow and can into different stuff that will save money throughout the year. I'm also trying coupons, but that will be another post. I have things I've found I'd like to share with you about coupons later.
Thank you, and please spend some time thinking about this. I really really want to do my part and my parents part in helping save the planet, or at least becoming the model green family in the neighborhood. We are really close with all 10 houses in neighborhood, so they may be able to help or give us stuff to recycle as well. I'm just begging for ideas guys.
Look forward for the video on Carbon Filter Farms later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks yous guys.