I was going to post about the fact that Mars was going to be at the closest position to Earth, 2 days before my birthday based on information that my mom gave. So I went get the specifics about Mars being as large as the moon on August 27th, but I found out this is a cyber hoax. Mars was at its closest point in 2003 and I actually remember smoking on my rear balcony in Indianapolis with my then best friend. I am pretty sure there was a comet at the same time. Hail bop? Did I just make that up? I may be thinking about that Hanson song.
Given that this is a hoax, I decided to still author a post on the same topic: Astronomy. -BTW that was the hardest class I've ever taken- The next total solar eclipse will be on 21 August 2017. It is nearly exactly 8 years away (counting fingers). This will be a total eclipse in the lower 48, folks! Here are some brief facts about this very special event:
- The G-Spot will be in/at Christian Co., KY for 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
- This is the first to sweep the entire country since 19-fucking-18!
- The next to span our continent will be 8 April 2024.
On a personal note, this is 1 of 2 things I decided years ago that I needed to see before I die. The other being Macchu Pichu in Peru. So God can't let me pass until 21 August 2017 in the evening. It just wouldn't be the Christian thing to do.
Does anyone else have something they want to do or a place they want to go to before their ticket is up? This could make for very interesting conversation. Here is a map of the path of 2017 Solar Eclipse. It looks like it is going to come right over you Helen! Kerry aren't you in Washington too? Hopefully at that time I'll be in Portland myself, but I will travel to bumfuck, KY for this.