Stranger than Fiction
Will Farrell
Dustin Hoffman
Emma Thompson
Queen Latifah
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Do not look up a trailer to this film - it gives away HUGE spoilerS. It is true fiction in that it couldn't take place in real life, but it isn't science fiction. It is narrated and very contemporary and artsy. You'd think it would be comedy because Will Farrell is in it, but it is like Robin Williams doing a dramatic role. There are hints of comedy, but the overwhelming story is a dramatic tragedy. He is an IRS agent who is sent to audit Maggie Gyllenhaals character who is a baker who has only paid the percentage of her taxes that do not pay for war and he gets caught up in his own 'coming to terms' sub-plot. I can almost garauntee that you will love this based off what I know of you. Emma Thompson's performance should have been nominated for an Oscar. I say that a lot, but I promise I don't throw those words around. I really mean it when I say it.

The Game
Michael Douglas
Sean Penn
A very good psychological-thriller that is actually unpredictable until the very very end. It's a true mind-fuck. You can't distinguish reality from neurosis. Again, I'd avoid watching this trailer because the mystery is a big part the overall experience. It's from the director of Seven ("What's in the box??!!"), David Fincher.
Tea with Mussolini
Judi Dench
Lily Tomlin
Maggie Smith
Joan Plowright (best speaking voice ever)
Drama - Exactly what the trailer shows. Nothing more and definitely nothing less. Check out the scene where Cher sings "smoke gets in your eyes" after the trailer.

In Dreams
Annette Benning
Robert Downey Jr.
Thriller/Suspense. This seemed to get bad reviews on IMDB but I thought it was very good. It's about a psychic who's daughter is kidnapped and she has a psychic link with her kidnapper. The directing is stunning. I mean this film is so visual and has great performances. Come on, it is Annette fucking Benning and Downey Jr. The story sounds kind of trite, but I think this movie is made by the director and performances. I literally had nightmares after seeing this. I haven't seen it for years, but I'm willing to bet I would feel the same now. I'm going to look and see if I can't find it online to watch tonight actually.
It is rated well on Netflix apparently.

This is the biggest movie you've never heard of
Angelina Jolie
Sean Connery
Gene Rowlands
Gillian Anderson
Dennis Quaide
Ryan Phillipe
Madeline Stowe
Jon Stewart
and even more...
Drama/Rom Com- This is one of those segmented movies where there are like 5 story lines and you are trying to figure out how they and their characters all intertwine with each other. This is a hidden gem of a movie. I'm not sure how that is possible with this cast, but its good and very well written.