This film is right up my alley. Conformity is a theme that I always enjoy. I must admit I was skeptical about watching this film because it was older. My favorite part is when everyone was giving Harold their judgements on his wanting to marry Maude and behind each person was their idol who shaped their opinions. Their leaders if you will. The pope, Nixon, and Freud. BRILLIANT commentary.
It's helpful for me too because I want my main character to turn into a Maude-like person, but receiving less joy out of her growing eccentricities. If you've read my comments I left in response to you guys, I shared how that song by The Boss describes my personality. My main character (probably named Vera) will uproot herself after a tragedy and run with a large inheritance. My story will likely be a tragedy as well. Basically I'm writing myself into a fictional character.
I lied, my favorite part might be that Harold did not have dialogue for an entire 15 minutes. It takes talent to pull that off. Great recommendation. Which one should I do next? BTW, did you really like Toys? It'd be ok if it was too cheesy. I wouldn't take offense.