The anesthesiologist was still on the stand this morning. Second witness today was a neuropsychologist (the branch of neurology that studies behavior, especially in disorders such as epilepsy, memory loss, or speech impairment). He testified that the injured woman struggled with the tests he gave her and had trouble expressing herself with language. Did I mention she is on the list of witnesses…
Third up was a nurse who does life care planning. She described the injured woman as having seizures, incontinent, requires assistance with all activities of daily living, and has sudden, sometimes violent, muscle jerks. Two people are required to get her out of bed. She is on upwards of 20 some medications. When asked if she can do anything independently the answer was “Watch TV”. And when the nurse testified about the woman possibly being in her own home the woman’s husband started clapping. After the jury left the Judge gave him a talkin’ to.
Last night I was wondering who is paying for the care of the brain injured woman. She is in a nursing home full time, has been for years, and that can’t be cheap. Today the issue came up outside the presence of the jury. It turns out the state, DSHS, is picking up the tab. Suing the doctors and hospital is not for the money to care for her. If she wins any substantial funds they will most likely, according to the arguing attorneys, go into a special needs trust so she doesn’t lose her state funds.
I’m not sure how I feel about that.
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