Trial Day Eight

Yesterday was the testimony from the injured woman’s children. Pretty emotional testimony from her daughter who claims as soon as she saw her mother in the hospital room after the initial operation her mom was unattended, with blood all over her gown and that she had to go get a nurse. This was in contradiction to what every other witness has said. She also testified that when she went in to see her mom after the second trip to the OR (when she got the brain damage) her mother was convulsing and none of the staff had warned her of her mother’s condition. Anyone who has seen their mother convulsing (I have) can tell you how traumatic it is.

Her son testified he didn’t realize how bad things were until his mom was taken to a Seattle hospital in a drug induced coma (because of the seizures). At the time this happened he was just a teenager in school. He talked of the change in her and how hard it is to see.

The hospital and doctor’s attorneys treated the children with kid gloves. I thought they would have jumped all over the conflicting testimony that was given about their mother being unattended. They may not have because it would have highlighted the testimony. It’s hard to say what their strategy is.

On an aside one of the jurors was wearing the same palm tree covered shirt he was wearing the day before. Must be a bachelor……
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