Some of the jurors are starting to slump in their chairs. A couple of them are closing their eyes. The testimony is getting repetitive. This is one of the worst kinds of trials for jurors. Both sides will have experts that say different things and the laymen (and women) on the jury have to sort it all out. The worst trials are the “he said she said” child molestation cases.
The woman’s attorneys are not doing themselves any favors by having this repetitive testimony. This county’s jurors are notoriously stingy when determining lawsuit awards. She is asking for millions and as good as her case may be there is a high chance she will get less than the low end of what they are asking.
I don’t remember what most of the jurors financial status is (a handful look retired) but we only pay them $10.00 a day plus mileage for each day of the next several weeks they are taking out of their regular lives to be here. They don’t get overtime when we run late which is constantly.
For all the platitudes made to jurors about appreciating their service they sure are treated shabbily.
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