I have to announce that I have had a lot to smoke in the last hour before you read this.
I am watching today's The Young Turks (TYT)and Cenk is interviewing a man called Mike Lux who wrote a book called The Progressive Revolution. He put things in a perspective I have never thought of before. He is saying that a lot of people working in the White House are from earlier generations and they really don't understand modern politics, meaning that they aren't online. They aren't getting online news, they aren't exposed to news we get in blogs, and they don't truly understand how the online community works in terms of votes and demographics... My mind was blown.
We shouldn't be thinking, as I have been, that because all of this stuff that is common knowledge to us is common knowledge to those working in this administration. Just because the Obama campaign was web-savvy and was on a 24 hour news cycle, it doesn't mean the people they have brought in after winning are on the level. Meaning that Obama may be progressive and reading this stuff, but the people in the environment we've put him in are ALL operating in a print environment. Does that all mean the same thing to you as it does to me?
Think about it. Where do you get your real in depth news and exposes? I get mine from AmericaBlog, DailyKos, Rachel Maddow - Stewart - Colbert (clips on the internet bc i dont have tv). Do we really think the wrinkly men with white hair in Washington from the Justice Department, FDA, Federal Reserve, etc are blogging? They are probably reading print only and then the Sunday shows. Do you really think all our Senators are blogging too? I think this deep divide we have in our country right now is the result of our older populations are living in different system altogether. They are voting accordingly as well.
Did this all come across as a new substantial thought to you in the way that it was to me? It certainly explains a few things a little bit to me, like why Obama has hired so many fucktards. It also gives me a little more hope that Obama is who we voted for, but the environment the office of the president operates was so insanely corrupt that it is taking time to operate in a print world, coming from the digital world.
I'll have to read this when I'm a little more grounded to check for errors and stuff, but I am really proud of this post. This author hit me an epiphany, and I'm definitely going to check out his book: The Progressive Revolution.