aka worm composting. I read an article that makes it sound so easy. Get two medium sized garbage cans. Cut the bottoms out. Stick the cans into the ground. The picture from the article shows the cans buried about 2/3 of the way into the ground. Slowly fill the first can with shredded newspaper (not glossy) and your food scraps. Fruit, vegtables, coffee grounds/filter, egg shells and nothing else. Google "red wigglers" and you'll find places to buy the specific types of worms that prefer to eat kitchen scraps.
Keep the lids on the cans and check them every few days to make sure your worms are happy and not waterlogged or too dry. When one bin get full, transfer some of the material on top - plus worms -to the other. Then use the finished compost in the first bin.
Sounds easy. Let me know if you give it a try.