This poster represents how I feel about my city and is a decent representation of how most people my age (in or around the city) feel about it too. There are several posters but this one has always been my favorite. In fact about 2 years ago I was serving at an Uno's Pizzeria (I am not endorsing their business) and they decorate the inside of their dining area with photos, posters, paintings, and actual garbage from Chicago - like all the chain restaurants nailed garbage to the wall. The franchise owner had decided to update the bar area and was selling various things that they were going to throw away. I had offered 100 dollars for the framed reprint they had, but was outbid. I think I may spring for an even better one after this is written.
I'm going to approach this project as a conversation. While all the events and facts will be completely factual, I'm going to take advantage of the complete liberty we have here and present the information as if Chicago were a fictional city. That way I don't have to worry about presenting something that may be common knowledge. So before you start reading, wipe your mind of everything you know about the Second City.
There are a few things I want to share about the casual research I've been doing and the exact relationship I have with the city and unfortunately that is all I plan on sharing today. After this introduction, I am going to do a few things around my house then post about my personal relationship with the city. The reason I am doing this is to both buy time to research some more and to start a more detailed dialog with Kerry about the direction I should take. I have already shared 4 photos I had found and that is all I plan on sharing until after the project is done. When it is over I will share all of the resources I used because you will likely want to at least spend a few hours looking thru some of the photos.
There is no plan written out for the subjects I am going to write about or how it is all going to be organized. This is winging it completely because.... well, I'm writing it for pleasure. This is a conversation between friends and I get to tell you about something I love. - I've never had a captive audience like this so that may explain my enthusiasm.- I really would like some input before I begin though. What are the things you know about, but are interested in getting more details on? Some stuff, I may have a personal relationship to, so please share. These are some of the things I plan on writing about:
1. My experience and my family's experience in the city. Some emotional stuff that has come up form this project too.
2. How the city formed, why, how it grew, and its relationship with the rest of the country.
3. Race, poverty, wealth and corruption (Obama actually fits in here too)
4. Organized Crime (extension of the previous category)
5. Democratic Convention
6. World's Fair
7. Art, Music, and general talent. (where this whole thing grew from)
8. Civil War
9. Serial Killers
10. Marshal Fields
11. Hull House
12. Fire
There are other things I want to write about, but I either can't remember on the fly (perhaps I should organize it) or I can't figure out if it fits into a larger category. Can you think of something, possibly huge, that I am forgetting about? Is there anything at all that you specifically are interested in? I plan on using as many photos and videos as possible too, just to let you know.