Have you guys seen this? This weird light spiral was spinning in the sky above norway and there are a bunch of pictures and 1 video that I've seen so far from it. It is fucking the scariest thing I've ever seen. The picture look weird and fake right? The video is scary as shit.
Here is an article with more pictures and the video. Check it out. Seriously, this actually scares me. I don't buy that it was russian, what ever it is. I'm sure more info will come thru-out the day.
UPDATE: So I've been trying so hard to get real news on this. Those photos were taken by a photographer for the state run news channel in Norway and they claim that they are not photoshopped. I had his name, but I didn't think to save it. I am continually putting links in the comment I have below by using the edit button. So far the most reputable thing I've seen say anything about this (in english) is Discover Magazine. The story didn't even break on the internet until 9am according to Google trends. My guess is that the lag in reporting has to do with the language barrier and the whole world calling people in Norway at once.
The story is officially viral, so it will be huge later on. It is jumping around in the top 10 searches in english on Google. There are literally hundreds of videos now so I'm not going to post them anymore. If I had to guess as to why the tabloids are the only ones running with this story, is because the traditional media is afraid to run stuff with out confirmation on a number of things. I've been obsessed with this for hours now. At this point the story is 5 hours old. I just want someone at the AP to at least mention the internet chatter. You know that there is some high quality video somewhere because this lasted for over 2 minutes.
If this isn't updated later, I've fallen asleep and will be gone for a long time.
I just found this video of something very similar that happened in China in April 2009.
This is a translated article where Russia says it was a failed missile in response to the missile shield. Obama is giong there tomorrow to pick up his peace prize. Then they say that they cannot confirm at the end of the article.
Last Update: I'm dying of tiredness and soarness. This story is dead I think. It was a missile. I don't really understand how that happened, but I've accepted that it has. It is either the Russians wanting to make damn sure Obama knows they are testing shit despite the shield (did we cancel that order?) or they are extremely fucking incompetent. If this was supposed to be top secret, it could go down in history as the biggest fail in state secrets ever. The whole fucking world is going to know about this by the end of the day. I really wanted a science win. Oh well.