There are a few things I have bookmarked in a sort or queue for posts I wanted to tease a commercial. There are some strange things in science as well as unexplained anomalies that interest me like the Baghdad Battery pictured above that I want to look into. Some of them I know about a little already and while looking those up, I've come across some I don't know anything about. As part of my effort to distance myself from more in depth political news, I'm going to look into science news. I know that is something you guys are interested in too so it will hopefully give some cool things to put on the blog. Now that Popular Science directory is up so I can likely find more information than just a web search too.
I'm leaving for a party in 2 hours so that is why I'm not posting that stuff now. I want to be around when you guys comment so we can have a discussion - that is my favorite part of our blog. That post Kerry made about where I live kind of opened my mind to local history and reminded me of a few strange things about Lake Michigan that is known but hasn't been explained or studied and that will probably be my first post.
So what has been going on with you guys? Lisa what have you been up to? You've been kind of quiet lately. How far apart do you guys live? I don't know whether it is the weather (with the exception of today) or maybe the fact that I haven't been following politics, but I sincerely feel a lot less down lately. I'm actually kind of doing stuff. I think you guys should take some time to celebrate where you live a little bit that you don't miss the sun for a solid 3 or 4 months. This is just my speculation but I think not seeing the blue in the sky and the green on the trees really has an affect on people, mental health wise, too. There are scientific studies that have looked at how colors do stuff to our psyche, which is why I always paint my most used rooms a pewter blue.
I'm just wasting time here and rambling as if we were having a conversation, which is kind of crazy because your not here. One more thing, I'm going to write about those jello shots after I submit this and put it in the draft folder on Blogger so I can pull it up tomorrow and just write what people thought of the taste. I still haven't even tasted them. I only had one from a batch that I fucked up last night. It was still good.
Edit: I want to put some feelers out there about the blog too. I think Indigo is gone for good (leave a comment if your not) and so if it is just us, I wanted to ask if we could move the blog to a different addy that is a lot more attractive and a whole hell of a lot easier to use. Look at this and this (password is "ourmovie"), then tell me what you think. I'm actually going to beg: Please can we move it.