It’s that time of the year again. Time to be mindful of the vast amounts of money we give our Federal Government. And it’s not enough for them by the looks of our deficit. I don’t blame people for trying to get back as much as possible. Here are some of the crazier stories I found….
This one was so outlandish that Dittrick actually faxed us the two-page itemized receipt to prove it: "We live in an Amish community here, and we had an Amish guy who tried to take a deduction for his buggy with velvet interior, the whole works. It was tricked out. He was legitimately Amish, but with all the accoutrements on this buggy, when they're supposed to live the simple life, it was absolutely hilarious," she says.
How pimped out was his ride? According to the receipt, this baby came equipped with dash lights, kick plates, tinted windshield, speedometer, hydraulic brakes and dimmer switches. The standard buggy costs $2,675; this pimped-out version ran $3,545.
Exotic dancer Chesty Love who successfully deducted her breast augmentation on her tax return. Ms. Love argued she augmented her breasts to size 56 FF in order to increase her earnings. The IRS challenged the deduction, labeling the procedure "cosmetic surgery." But a tax court judge sided with Ms. Love, likening her silicon breasts to a costume that was only useful in her business and allowed her to claim a depreciation deduction.”