This is an odd thing to write, because I don't know exactly what features would appeal to you. I think this is a good start for anyone though. Take a look at this article that discusses something that a few people I know have noticed. Just playing the games on your Wii takes off a little of the excess most of us have.
I suppose I'll share what my concerns were and why I ended up buying one, along with the evolution of my usage. The console was out for a year and a half before I was even slightly interested in getting my own. Until that time came, the only thing I knew about it was that it was motion sensitive and Nintendo was marketing the hell out of Wii Sports. I'm a remarkably pragmatic and just generally practical when it comes to everything in my life, so it seemed stupid to me. Surely it was just a novelty that was going to flop. Then something happened that I didn't expect, Nintendo decided to push a new Mario Kart on me - I was a recovering addict. I immediately relapsed.
Up until about 3 months ago, I only played Mario Kart, all the old Mario Brothers, and Pac-Man. I had my console for about a year and a half without even putting the Wii Sports game in, that came with it. I mean I really thought it was a novelty. Then one day I went to my friend's house where her mom was playing Guitar Hero and I was high. My life changed. I started going over there all the time to play before I bought my own, then they threw in Wii Sports and I got addicted to bowling, then I got into this bankshot game and Shuffleboard... Golf... Ping Pong... NEW Super Mario Brothers... Mini Golf... Archery... Jousting... Just Dance. You get the picture.
Here's the conclusion I've come to: This is why the people at Nintendo are millionaires and I am not. They knew that all they had to do was make the device and the applications would develop afterwards. There is so much you can do with motion sensors and it is anything but a novelty kind of thing. It's revolutionary. I don't know this for sure yet, but I'm willing to bet that I am a better bowler in real life now as well as a better frisbee player. It's so strange because just hearing about this, doesn't sound like much fun, but it is addicting. When you get other people involved it is guaranteed fun... and cheap!
One last thing about me that might benefit your curiosity about the Wii is that I'm not a gamer. My favorite game is Pac Man, ok? I don't get my friends who are addicted to World of Warcraft, Madden Football, Call of Duty, or any of that 3-D junk. When it comes to first person shooter games like the old 007 game, I think it was called Goldfinger, I get confused with all the options of guns and all the crap you can do. I'm frequently trying to navigate thru the menus to find a gun while people are running up to me and stabbing me because I just can't get it to become second nature. I love Super Mario Brothers from SNES and that is about as complex as I like action games to get. I have a feeling I might like RPG but I've never gotten into that. I need 2-d, left to right, beginning to end type games that don't look real. Graphics technology has surpassed my threshold for games long ago. The Wii isn't like that junk at all, at least there are enough options for me to have more games to choose from than I can get my hands on, along with those other types of games.
There are some other features you may not know about. Many of the games can be played on different controllers. For example Mario Kart can be played with the standard "wand" controller or you can plug in an old gamecube controller because it has 4 ports for all those devices. The console also accepts and plays all gamecube games, though you wouldn't think it because those discs were half the size. If you hook your Wii up to the internet you can buy virtually any old nintendo game off any system, sega, neo-geo, turbo graphix 13, and a few more I believe. As if that were not enough plus all the games you can purchase at the store they also release games that you can only buy thru the internet called WiiWare. They have a bunch of really cool original games and updated flash games like Goo World and Defend Your Castle. Basically what I'm trying to say is that you can play just about any game you've ever liked that wasn't on a PlayStation or Xbox. Galga, Frogger, DigDug, etc and they are all cheap.
I rushed this, so ask questions if you have any. I'll just add stuff in the comments if I can think of stuff I forgot.