Sharing a dream

I'm still in bed and I wanted to shrea this fucked up dream I literally just had. I'm still in bed and can barely open my eyes. I dreamt that my dad was growing this massive party with all these people and something happened where my family had to leave in a split second kind fo a thing (like a tragedy) and I was left to manage this party. Our house and all our property was trashed like after a carnival and shit and a few hours later when people should have been leaving, one of my dad's groupies was all getting super attached to me in a scary stalker way because I just "didn't understand" why he was so important or how he changerd her life, bowie had went thru my shit and stole my flat iron and was ruinning some other young and stupid girls hair and I was trying to beg her to not let him do it, and whoopie goldberg was drunk off her ass abd beligerant yelling at me because she couldn't get the car she had to work, after sitting by herself in a trenchcoat on one of the tennis courts drinking like a 1/5th of something out of the bottle - looking like she was homeless. . I mean, she was a fucking cunt. she was so effin mean. The whole time I had this groupie getting upset with me that I wasn't my dad and she was wasted. It was literally a nightmare. This is why I never take part in hosting partiers. Bowie might try to burn my friends hair off. :-)

Sometimes I need to be reminded why I hate people.
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