Joseph I loved this movie. I saw your comments about the 30 minutes it could have done without. I said that exact thing last night after we watched it. Milla was VERY good. She was perfect for that part. Sometimes I wasn't sure if what was happening was real or a dream. It was very realistic, they just looked like they smelled. I couldn't help but get distracted by the women's head gear. I laughed when I first saw Faye Dunaway. It looked positively "Tim Burton".
Edit: That was incoherent....Joan of Arc is just a fascinating story and the movie helped make it more real. I was disappointed we didn't to see how the word spread about Joan, how she came to be known. She was a child with visions and boom she is on her way to see the Dauphin of France. I felt that was sacrificed for the action sequences, which were wonderful by the way. Joan's story is one of what the force of personality can do. What can be accomplished if you follow your passion. If it hadn't been a true story it would be difficult to believe that a woman could to what she did at that time. What a brutal period of history.
Edit II: I think Joseph wants to know what I think of how the movie was made. It was visually appealing and I hadn't expected, but liked, the dream/vision sequences. I really felt her desperation about her message. They kept up the action enough that, though the movie felt long, it wasn't painful. Milla was very believable and good job with the horse riding!! It was smart to put unexpected chuckles in. That gave it a human/realistic touch. The battle scenes were exciting and done well with just enough gore to show the horror of it all. I'm pretty sure Joan was tortured more than was shown and I'm glad they didn't go into that.