I've always liked Conan and I've always really enjoyed and respected Leno for many things. Leno tours like crazy and doesn't charge much. He does it for the joy of working so much so that he would fly to Indiana for a grand opening of a factory to do a set - I helped prep the warehouse in high school. His humor is broad and enjoyable more than it is funny or awesome..... I'm not exactly sure where he stands on this whole NBC/Conan thing, but if he ends up accepting that job and bumping Conan I'm seriously through with the guy. I only watched his old Tonight Show when a guest I liked was on, but if this happens the way it looks and as NBC says - they will sit on Conan's contract for 3.5 years so he can't work anywhere else - I wouldn't piss on his gums if his teeth were on fire.
NBC has come out today and said that Conan is an "astounding failure" and "chicken-hearted and gutless.". Excuse me, but isn't Leno the failure for not getting ratings in his time-slot? Isn't NBC a failure for moving him in the first place? Who talks about a subordinate like that in the press?
At first I thought this was a ratings-driven feud, like the east coast vs. west coast feud in rap that generated extreme wealth for everyone involved, until I saw Conan's monologue. He's a good comedian, but he's also a terrible actor. Then today I saw a clip of Jimmy Kimmel sticking a knife in Leno over and over, twisting it, and then pulling out all the contents on Leno's own show. I have no respect for someone who would do what Leno may do, a company who would treat its employees like they are, or a station who ignores the public has clearly stated they want. If this goes down, do they really expect there to be an audience?
Want to see some broadcasting that rivals getting your teeth pulled?