Okay, this really ticks me off:

Gay people have served in the military for centuries. Homosexuality occurs in nearly 500 species so it obviously isn't a "choice" but rather something that is "hard-wired" into living beings.

When I was in the US Army I know I served with lesbians and bisexuals and I also likely served with gay men that I didn't know were gay. I never once felt threatened by any of them. If anything, I felt (and was) more threatened by heterosexual men who thought that because I was in the Army I deserved whatever I got from them.

Most of the members of both the GOP (but especially them) and Democrats have never even served in the military yet they try to come across like they fully support the military (which is a bunch of crap) and they salute our veterans (which is also a bunch of crap). I remember a GOP National Convention where many Young Republicans were interviewed about serving in the military and they all had something "better" to do or believed they could "serve" by being political shills.

Now this. The overwhelming majority of the people actually on active duty could care less and favor the repeal of DADT. How many people in critical MOSs (Military Occupational Skill), such as linguists, have been discharged for a prejudice that seems to be primarily based on religious dogma?

Oh, here's the link to the article:
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