This is going to show my ignorance regarding the geography of the Northwest, but I think this may concern you. Have you heard about Yellowstone getting over 1200 earthquakes in the past few weeks? They say there is likely nothing to worry about, but this is only the second time a cluster of earthquakes this large has been recorded there and other sites say that earthquakes are not THAT common Yellowstone. Still, I worry. I think both of you guys live near other volcanos that are networked into the same volcano magma sewer things. I know that Yellowstone is a giant super-volcano too... Which would scare me if I lived close to it.
Do you guys know what to do during an eruption or earthquake? We had one in Indiana last year which was kind of odd because it was like a 5.6 I think. I don't get the rhicter scale at all. That was nothing, but a 7 is severe? I have no idea what to do and I slept thru that.
Here is one of the articles I read about Yellowstone.