The Air Force used the song "Fell in Love with a Girl" from the White Stripes in a commercial during the Super Bowl without permission and they are furious. This might be the absolute worst way to fuck someone over that I have ever seen in my life. Jack White is a huge critic of government, war, and corporatism that my generation has probably produced yet and his work was just used to try and convince kids to go and die or murder people...
I'm kind of speechless and can only imagine how much his blood is boiling. Usually matters like this always seem to be about money, at least from my interpretation, but I'm sure he doesn't want a red cent. I really feel bad for him. Here is the ad http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/09/air-force-super-bowl-ad-v_n_456158.html
Here is the actual song. It is directed by Michael Gondry, who I spoke about when writing the Fantastic Mr. Fox review. In case the quality is terrible (I've not watched this particular clip) it's done with Legos.
This is the official response to the ad from The White Stripes at their homepage: