I'm not sure how aware people are of the strides being made in the name of security, but the government can effectively see you naked when they please. This technology has been in use for at least a year that I know of. The photo above is one released to the press of a man (obviously) at an airport security check point. I have huge issues with this, and now so does the group Action on Rights for Children. By the way, the image inside the red rectangle is a knife. It seems like something that is easily missed.
In England (we have this technology at our airports too) their TSA workers (equivalent) could potentially have faced criminal charges for doing their job. Now people under the age of 18 do not have to be subjected to this process. It is important to point out that since minors do not have to have a state issued ID that they get lax procedures when showing their boarding pass and can frequently zip in and out of secure areas.
Let's see you have less than honorable intentions, all you need to do is bring a minor. This isn't why I'm posting this really, just an afterthought. I have a problem with my right to privacy and dignity. In all these photos they show unfit people. Well when you are fit stuff hangs and sticks out better and you get a much sharper image. Here it is kind of a blog with grooves, shown from the front. I don't like the idea of some 18 year old kid staring at me naked. Perhaps even calling people over to show them. They could humiliate you. Not only that, but if you are famous you think that they may not whip out their cell phone and sell a picture of your cock to a tabloid?
We all know how the real world works. This picture was taking extra blurry on purpose where detail cannot really be seen. If this is the best it could do, would governments have signed billion dollar contracts if this is what you saw in order to see a knife? A pat down or metal detector would find it a lot easier and cheaper. I would be somewhat concerned about getting x-rays shot at me against my will. What if you are a frequent flyer? What about the other workers that have x-rays being shot at them all day 40 hours a week?
At what point do they just ask us to remove all of our clothes? A few years ago I used to fly to Miami, Chicago, Indianapolis, LA every month. I went thru at least 6 security check points every 2 weeks, and honestly used to get mistaken for a model. I was a really good looking gay guy who took care of myself. I frequently got separated from the line at LAX specifically and frisked (randomly). It was uncomfortable and always felt sexual. The fact that I was a regular and they were the same employees each time made it worse. I'm sure that I am being somewhat paranoid, but the newer technology is surely too invasive. I'm kind of wondering why this isn't something being talked about in our country.
Here is the article that accompanied this image from Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1221111/Nude-X-ray-scans-scuppered-child-porn-fears.html?ITO=1490