Shakira Intro

This is hard because there are like 10 songs I want to put up on here, but I'm not going to do that. I'll limit myself to 3 videos. I'm not a super fan or anything so I couldn't write a biography or tell you what city she is in right now or anything. I can tell you that she is an artist who has happen to become a pop star, but I really think she only does it to make money to fund her humanitarian work. She is a Goodwill Ambassador for the U.N. and has her own charity called the Barefoot Foundation that does a lot of stuff.

She was on CNN talking about how she is personally going to have schools built in Haiti, like she has had done all over central america. She has written an article for the Economist within the last few months as well as other legitimate humanitarian work. I say legitimate, because she doesn't just write the checks and phone it in. She's been this active year after year. When was the last time you heard about Madonna writing a piece for the Economist? I love her music and the rest is just stuff I've learned about her since. I kind of hate the fact that I met so many famous celebrities in Miami, most of which have condos there. Shakira lived there when I did and I never ran into her. She has since bought an Island off Miami.

Shakira's Unplugged CD rivals Nirvana's. I'm so tempted to post all of the songs, but here is Octavo Dia. I never heard back if Kerry understood Spanish or not, so I've found one that has translation but the video is off synch. If you're reading the lyrics, then you won't notice anyway. This song is political, so you will want to read the lyrics.

This is probably my favorite song of hers: Ciega Sordomuda and this version she sings with a mariachi, but the album is different. Thank god this version has the lyrics because it is my favorite. If you are a sucker for good lyrics about love then this your girl and this is your song. The title doesn't translate into english right, but it means a person who is incapable of speaking and hearing. It almost means deaf and dumb. Also, if you were to put this on your ipod and you don't speak spanish, you would know the chorus word for word.

Here is her covering Dude Looks Like a Lady for Aerosmith.
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