Underwear Bomber Palestinian Connection

Here is a very interesting opinion piece from the Irish Times (of all places) that connects the dots that US government officials won’t between the underwear bomber, the suicide bomber who killed 7 CIA agents in Afghanistan on December 30 and the Israeli treatment, with US support, of Palestinians.

“It would be easy to dismiss Balawi’s suicide bombing as merely another round in the cycle of revenge between US and al-Qaeda. But clues to Abdulmutallab and Balawi’s motives are there if you search for them. There was a photograph of the solemn, baby-faced Abdulmutallab, wearing a red polar fleece at what appeared to be a London demonstration against the Israeli bombing of Gaza. One of Balawi’s brothers told the New York Times that Balawi was changed by the Israeli assault on Gaza, which killed 1,300 Palestinians.”

Part of me wishes our economy would completely collapse so that my tax dollars would not be used to support the US’s failed foreign policy.
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