A humpback whale has been found dead in the Thames River. The actual picture can be found thru the link. It had most likely died of starvations. I had recently heard about the Portuguese Man of War being found in a bunch of places it shouldn't be as well. I don't know why exactly but I am getting increasingly more and more worried about global warming as every day passes. I just watched that documentary "The Future of Food." Man, that was upsetting too. Maybe I'll post about that too later, but I likely won't. If you have a Netflix account you should add it to your queue. If you don't have a Netflix account you should look into getting one because you can just click on a movie and stream it there on your computer.... unlimited.
Weird question, but can anyone else tell by looking at a picture of water what the temperature roughly is? It sounds silly, but I just found out it isn't common knowledge. I swam competitively for over 10 years and you can tell a lot about a pool, lake, or ocean by just looking at the surface of the water. I can tell the picture of the whale I posted is in cold water, not off Hawaii. The easiest way to put it into words is the more active or choppy the water is the colder it is, the more it "rolls" the warmer it is - warm water is a lot more smooth (even with waves).